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Koltak: Path of the Scorpion

Sith Holocron

*The image of Daxton Bane appears as the holocron powers up*

Greetings young force user. I will instruct you in the way of Koltak or as it sometimes called the Pat of the Scorpion. This technique primarily uses your capability to use the Force to manipulate objects and items as an extension of your body.

A highly aggressive style, the Koltak uses a minimum of three lightsabers or lightsaber staff and saber combination. There are no defensive stances in this technique, relying on your rage, speed and ferocity to launch multiple attacks to overwhelm your enemies defenses. Thus this path is not for the weak of heart. Your enemy will offer you no quarter so offer none in return.

Amusingly, the technique was first developed by Jedi during the Great Jedi Wars. However as time passed, the Jedi began to stray from the technique, mistakenly claiming it was too aggressive, delving too much in the Dark Side. Weak minded fools! Kill your enemies before they can strike, the more efficient the less danger you put yourself in.

Adepts begin training manipulating small objects, eventually graduating to manipulating a lightsaber using the Force, as if it were an extension of your hand. Combined with study in dual light saber proficiency, you have the potential of striking from three different angles.

It is vital to remember that to note that in the heat of battle many of your foes will completely forget about the third lightsaber, allowing you to strike with the stinger, when both your blades are engaged.
Darren listing to Daxton on the holocron intrested in the different fighting styles of fighting in the galaxy. he had his two white lightsabers and his fathers red lightsaber that he took from his fathers cold dead hands. remembering about that day he was sent on a mission by the Jedi to look for a Sith that was causing some disturbance around the temple. he found out that the Sith was his Father that ranaway after he was born. he had seen holos of him before so he could tell what he looked like. after he killed him he took his light saber and starfighter. he snaped back into reality, looking down at his and his fathers lightsabers in his hand ready to contiue the lession in the path of the scorpion.
Begin with the basics. Grasp your lightsaber properly, hold it as if you are shaking hands. Not too tight as you loose flexibility, not too loose that it flies out of your hand. Keep your wrists relaxed.

Start with strikes from either hand. Forceful blows that rain down on your opponents defenses. If he is busy blocking your attacks, he cannot assault you in turn. To defend is weakness. Lash out, faster and faster, breath in the Dark Side and let it manifest in a smooth flow of your attacks. Do not limit yourself to mere lightsaber strikes, use your fists, feet, even the environment as your tools. Lash out from the direction where they least expect.

Now use the Force to lift your third lightsaber. Envision your hand on its hilt, caressing its smooth ridges, now activate it with the Force. Good. Very Good. Proceed through your combat routine, with your lightsaber mimicking your hand movements.

Excellent. You have learned well my student. Now it is time to take it to the next phase. In combat, you must be aware of your surroundings at all times, control it, harness it to your advantage. There is no place in battle to loose concentration. One slip and you are lost.

Take your third lightsaber and envision it in the hands of your most hated foe. Imagine him out for your blood. This is a duel to test your mettle. With the weapons in your hands, duel with your foe now until one of you is vanquished.

Excellent, you can feel the dark side flowing through you, can you not? Good. That is enough of the lesson for today.
Darren did as he was told by the Zabrak he held his white lightsabers in his hands just enought to keep a grasp on them but let his form be loose and ready to "dodge" at a moments notice he then imagines he is fighting his father again. giving him strike after strike with the blades not letting up. he then stoped to test and see if he could hold all three of his lightsabers two in his physical hands and his fathers old one with the force. he they imagined him holding the lighsaber and swinging it and the force movved the lightsaber the way he comanded.

he began again starting with only two lightsabers and then when he thought he was ready he gathered all of his will and anger in to lifting the saber and swinging at his ghost father. in doing so his father moved back and he stoped using the third lightsaber to let his father gain some ground make him think he was in control and then moved his saber with the force behind his fathers back and stabed it through Zax's back. Darren poped in to reality and heard Daxton saying "Excellent, you can feel the dark side flowing through you, can you not? Good. That is enough of the lesson for today." he felt acomplished and made a small smirk under his helmet as he deactivaed his three sabers.

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