Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Komi Malai

Komi Malai


Changing Form Mid-Stride

Name: Komi Malai
Age: 30
Gender: Female
Species: Clawdite
Hair: None; Varies with forms
Eyes: Gold; Varies with forms
Height: 1.7 Meters
Weight: 128 Lbs.
Build: Varies
Skin: Yellow; Varies with forms
Force Sensitive: Meh.....

Strengths and Weaknesses:
+Able to completely change her form
-Too slippery to be trusted

Komi is a very shifty sort. Because you never know who she's going to be, you never know what she's going to be like. Her true self is only known by a select few. And even they have a tough time figuring out what she's going to do next...

Komi was raised in a secret facility on Malachor V. There, she was trained to hone her skills as a Clawdite. She learned the arts of sabotage and deceit. By the age of 14, she had successfully worked her way into the Imperial Military. She fed information to the Republic and Black Sun about some particularly classified plans ad schematics. It was five years before the Empire finally discovered what was going on. They never figured out who the leak was, however. Komi was already gone. She's been a spy her whole life, working for anyone who pays good credits.

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