Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Konstantin Makarev: A Work In Progress


NAME: Konstantin Arkadi Makarev

FACTION: The First Order

RANK: Lieutenant Colonel


AGE: 46

SEX: Male.

HEIGHT: This will help writers know the size of your character.

WEIGHT: This will help writers know the size of your character.

EYES: Sometimes eye color might not be apparent in an avatar - especially if the avatar dons a mask.

HAIR: Just as eye color, if the avatar of the character has a hat or helmet, it is hard to tell what his or her hair color is.

SKIN: And just as the other two categories, the skin color might not be apparent depending on attire.

FORCE SENSITIVE: Whether or not your character is sensitive to the Force is important.


STRENGTHS AND WEAKNESSES (Required: 2 Weaknesses Minimum) :
-Force Agnostic
-Distaste For The Refined:


Konstantin Mavarev was born on Pantora, a system which during the Gulag Plague harboured small enclaves of human refugees. Life there was rough, with the Makarev family having twelve children (Konstantin being the fourth oldest) working as agrarian farmers, who farmed grains and other basics. The Makarev's had farming in their blood, with them having for four hundred years, cultivated the same parcel of land. Branches of the family would often leave and go elsewhere, but the farmstead remained the same.

Konstantin's education was basic. He recieved only the bare essentials when young, and knew only how to read and write, meaning he was innumerate. Most of his time was spent out in the fields, ploughing, harvesting or fishing, which meant grew to be a strong young man. However, Konstantin never felt like the farm work was his home, and calling, and at age seventeen, he left home for the big cities. It was there, he worked in a factory, as a foreman, manufacturing durasteel girders. It was there he became enamoured with the vices of gambling and alcohol, constantly working himself to exhaustion, only to forget about it after a twelve hour bender. He worked there for a number of years, becoming increasingly addicted, while simultaneously disappointed with his existence.

It would be on one of these alcohol fuelled misadventures that Konstantin passed out, and woke up a day and a half later on the other side of the Galaxy on Asanii, clad in a pair of woman's knickers. With no money on him, Konstantin needed some fresh cash to spend, and he found it, in the way of the One Sith. Konstantin enlisted in the army, hoping it would give him the short term

Does your character have a personal ship? If so, describe it in moderate detail (what does it look like, what can it do, what types of weapons and engines does it have, etc.).

Post the names of the PC characters (characters role-played by real people) that your character has killed. If possible, include a link to the thread in which your character killed him/her.

Post the names of any bounties you have delivered and the amount of money you gained for it. If possible, include a link to the thread in which it happened.


Post the links and the titles to all of your characters Role-Plays. To make things easier, post the link and name here as soon as you enter the Role-Play thread.

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