Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Korin Undoli

NAME: Korin Undoli​
FACTION: Currently Freelance​
RANK: None​
AGE: 29​
SEX: Male​
HEIGHT: 185 cm​
WEIGHT: 75 kg​
EYES: Blue​
HAIR: Brown​
SKIN: Caucasian​


+ Expert Marksman: Is a skilled ranged combatant, and an expert sniper.
+ Patient: Is perfectly content waiting through long stretches of tedium, ideal for any sniper.
+/- Reticent: Is uncomfortable saying more than he has to, for better or worse.
- Frequent Drinker: He has a habit of drinking a bit too much, not that he would admit it.
- Morally Flexible: Some might call him cold, but he would much rather think of it as ruthless pragmatism.
- Second-rate Cybernetics: Korin's cybernetic limbs are of middling quality, occasionally affecting his grip and gait.

Korin is 6'1 tall with light skin, brown hair and blue eyes. He wears functional pants and a long sleeved shirts, preferring them in dark colors, as well as a comfortable pair of soft-soled boots. He will often where gloves wherever he goes, as well as a thigh-length black coat. He keeps a pair of Ambassador Revolvers secured in two shoulder holsters concealed beneath his coat, as well as a speed loader for them kept handy. While on a sniping job, he will bring a heavy durasteel carrying case containing a specially modified collapsible X-45 sniper rifle. He can also be seen with a personally modified DLT-19 heavy blaster rifle slung on his back in anticipation of a gunfight.

Unforeseen complications ensued while escaping a shock and awe job, Injuring Korin extensively as he was thrown from a shuttle crash. Along with a myriad of scars, he was forced to receive prosthetic enhancements. His right leg below the knee, and his left arm from the bicep down are entirely inorganic.

Korin was born in the red light sector of Nar Shaddaa. His mother was a stripper who was paid extra to progress beyond her job description, and the father was gone long before he was born. She was almost immediately forced to send him away, so he was left at an orphanage, where he was raised until the age of sixteen. It was the standard practice of this orphanage to set you up with identification at your sixteenth year, before kicking you out the make room for more. As he had no family name, and "It's just Korin" was not going to cut it anymore, the name Undoli was chosen at random for him.

He jumped from job to job, sometime part timing as a bouncer for local clubs, other times delivering parcels. During low periods he would hustle card games and pick pockets. He never lived glamorously, but he was almost always under a roof.

During his nineteenth year, he had been approached by a small time local crime boss, Donniko the Red. Korin did not know Donniko, but had seen him around for years, and as such new that you don't refuse a favor. By the time he was twenty one, he was a respected soldier for the group, now dubbed the "Donniko Reds", regularly breaking knees and collecting dues, but nothing too extreme, at least not for Nar Shaddaa.

He was approached at his apartment one night by Donniko himself, who told Korin he needed another favor. Knowing never to refuse a favor, Korin listened as Donniko gave him what he reffered to as his "last assignment". In a months time, Donniko would be hosting a sit-down with a prospective ally, one Jelid Iomaeme, an ambitious Black Sun Vigo who had been making waves over the last decade.

Donniko spoke of how Jelid had a reputation for aggressive expansion, and he had reason to believe that an attempt would be made on his busniess. He told Korin that if he were to be assassinated by Jelid during a known sit-down, it would call his methods into question, bringing unwanted attention the Black Suns' way, and allowing the Reds to maintain their own foothold. Donniko explained that his young son would take his place, and that Korin would have to leave tomorrow for good. Korin nodded once, as he usually did when addressing his boss affirmatively in an informal setting, and just like that Donniko was gone.

The following day, Korin cut all ties to the Reds, leaving with his severance and his final assignment. By the time the meeting came, he found himself on a factory roof with a clear view of the open-air casino where his target was. He waited as the two parties arrived, he waited while they talked terms, and he waited while they shook hands. He held his breath, counted to ten, and squeezed the trigger. The bolt flew over Jelid's shoulder as he turned, he did not see it. The next thing that happened was chaos as Donniko fell dead at Jelid's feet.

Korin bought passage off Nar Shaddaa that night. He did not know whether the ruse worked, and he did not know how the Reds would manage without Donniko, but he didn't much care either. He travelled the galaxy, as a small time gun-for-hire, fighting in the occasional ground war between small time factions, but primarily as an assassin. Over the next half a decade, Korin establish notoriety within the right circles, as well as fine tuning his technique into an art form.

As he rose early one morning, he noted that almost a month had gone by since his last job, and it was time to make some more money, as his budget was drying up again. He left the motel he was in, rifle case in one hand, small moving bag in the other, and headed for the spaceport.

Ship: None
Kills: None
Bounties Collected: None


Role Plays:
Interesting Night At The Cantina
Cantina Conundrum
A side of terror with that speech please?

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