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Approved Tech Korlalumin

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Manufacturer: Toskros Shipwrights
Type: Material
Market Status: Open Market
Production: Mass-Produced
Weight: Very Light
Size: N/A
  • Very light alloy for construction
  • Has a good deal of flex before it breaks
  • Can easily be paired with tensor fields for greater strength
  • Made from common elements
  • Very Light: The A233 formulation is quite light
  • Durable: Testing on the A233 formulation has shown marked durability increase allow for the use in structural supports
  • Flexible: The stability of the A233 formulation has given it a certain flexibility when faced with vibrations
  • Weak to Corrosion: That same formulation strengths comes with the drawback of being corrodible with specific elements
  • Burning bones: If the enemy ordnance as the correct element it could cause the metal to burn. Causing a harder fire to put out.
In Toskros Shipwrights bid to stand out in the galaxy they turned to their R&D department. The minds there decided that they need to create a metal that can change how ships are built for in gravity applications & for water landings/takeoffs. After much time and quite a few iterations within the A alloy run the group set upon the 233rd formulation to make and test. The metal was mostly aluminum with 10% of the rest of the metals rounding out the alloy. Comprising of 6% Zinc, 2% Copper, 2% Magnesium, .6% Silicon, .4% Titanium & Chromium the alloy Korlalumin was born. Its testing showed the characteristics hat the company was looking for sending it into full production on their ships.

The alloy was perfect for making lighter weight vessels allowing the freed up weight for other things like increased armor, weapons, power cores, and engines. Korlalumin had one achilles heel, that being an increased weakness to corrosion that its composition granted. But the trade off in weight for other systems, being half the weight as common alloys gives the chance for innovative designers a huge boost. Using a honey combed frame, main panels, and secondaries has the prospect to free up half the previous weight for better systems.

Out Of Character Info

Intent: To create a metal alloy that is used by the Quarren & whoever wants to buy from them (Techno Boom for the EOTL)
Permissions: N/A

Technical Information

Affiliation: Toskros Shipwrights
Model: Korlalumin A233 (Formulation 233)
Modular: No
Material: Aluminum, Zinc, copper, magnesium, silicon, titanium, chromium.
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