Kosuke Yamauchi
Rising Sun
| Social Information |
- Name: Kosuke Yamauchi
- Alias:
- Titles: Jedi Padawan
- Former Titles:
- Homeworld: Kashyyyk
- Living Situation: Ossus Temple
- Sexuality: Heterosexual
- Marital Status: Single
- Force Sensitive: Yes
- Force Rank: Padawan
- Force Alignment: Lightside
- Species: Epicanthix
- Gender: Male
- Age: Ten
- Height: 4' 7"
- Eye Color: Brown
- Hair Color: Black
- Galactic Republic
- The Jedi Order
| Powers and Abilities |
Lightsaber training - (To be developed in Role-Play)
Force abilities - (To be developed in Role-Play)
| Possessions |
| Fights |
| Biography |
(To be developed in Role-Play)
| Role-Plays |