Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Character Kothar Spitesewn


Name: Kothar Spitesewn
Species: Raggidoll
Gender: Male
Age: 136 (Before re-sewing), 17 (After re-sewing)
Force Sensitive: Yes
Alignment: Dark
Rank: Sith Acolyte


Kothar stands at 4'6, within the average height of his species. His original layer of "skin" was green colour that is now only present over his right eye and part of his neck's left side. His appearance is a pure perversion of his people and their creation of new Raggidolls. Instead of his materials being carefully chosen, specifically for him, he was cobbled back together with spare materials, anything his "mutilator" could find. His stitching is obvious, sloppy, and purposefully loose, with ends of strings hanging out. His left eye was a gemstone that was cracked in two, but still sewn on, resulting in an obvious crack through his eye. He has short black hair, messy and uneven. Finally, the Sith who had torn him apart and put him back together has sewn tear-like patches onto him, making him appear as though he's always crying.


He wields a red, V-guard crossguard lightsaber. Studying Form V - Djem So


  • Bitter and Malicious: Kothar's overwhelming bitterness defines him. The agony of being torn apart and forcefully put back together fills him with constant, seething hatred. He lashes out at others, often with cruel words and actions, driven by a desire to inflict pain on those around him as a twisted form of catharsis.
  • Self-Loathing and Shame: Despite his dark persona, Kothar harbors deep self-loathing. He despises what he has become and is painfully aware of the mockery his body now represents—a grotesque perversion of the loving creation process of his species. The tear-patches forcefully sewn onto his face serve as a cruel reminder of his inability to express his true pain and sorrow, instead reflecting an artificial, continuous weeping.
  • Rage-Fueled Resilience: His rage gives him strength. Kothar channels his anger into his training as a Sith acolyte, becoming a relentless fighter who refuses to give in to pain or weakness. His every action is driven by the desire to prove his worth through violence and dominance, using his suffering as fuel for power.

  • Loss of Identity: Kothar is haunted by the remnants of who he used to be—a compassionate Raggidoll full of hope. He fears that this part of him is truly dead, and he struggles with the gnawing sensation that he is now nothing more than a tool for the Sith, devoid of purpose beyond his pain.
  • Fear of Being Rejected: Although he has embraced the dark side, part of Kothar still longs for the acceptance and warmth he once knew. However, he believes that no one could ever care for or understand the monster he has become, which deepens his feelings of isolation and loneliness. This fear fuels his aggressive behaviour, as he would rather push people away than face their rejection.

Telekinesis - B
Force Choke - A
Force Horror - C
Force Scream - B
Force Drain - D
Consume Essence - D
Force Crush - C


  • Relentless Willpower: Kothar’s experience of being torn apart and forcibly reassembled has hardened his mind. His will to survive, born out of sheer hatred and pain, makes him nearly impossible to break mentally. His trauma fuels his determination, allowing him to push through intense situations that would crush the spirit of other
  • Pain Tolerance: Due to his past torture, Kothar has developed a high tolerance for pain. Physical damage that would incapacitate others is something he endures with grim determination. This makes him a relentless fighter who keeps coming back even after taking serious hits, as he has become almost numb to suffering.
  • Durability; Despite how his body was out back together, he retains his species' surprising resilience to blunt force trauma.

  • Self-Loathing and Shame: Kothar despises himself, particularly his stitched-up, mutilated body and the forced tear-patches on his face. This constant shame eats away at him, making him feel inferior, even in the dark side hierarchy. He uses his cruelty to mask his deep self-hatred, but internally he struggles with the belief that he is a broken, worthless creation. Bearing witness to his own appearance can cause him to lash out at the source, or run from it.
  • Physical limitations: Like the rest of his people, he lacks physical strength compared to other species. Solutions requiring brute force are ones he is unequipped to handle himself.
  • Stitching: His poeple take pride in their craftsmanship and so every stitch is meant to be meaningful and required. Kothar was not so lucky, and the Sith that rebuilt him was uncaring in his stitching. As a result, it is a lot more delicate than it should be, meaning the individual stitches are more susceptible to sharp objects cutting through them.

Kothar used to be a standard member of his species on his home world. One day, he ventured with some passing merchants, attempting to get some of his own woodwork sold. However, a Sith attacked the vessel. Upon finding him, the Sith grew curious.

He was subject to torture and mutilation, his body being taken apart piece by piece. Eventually, he was just a pile of materials. The Sith, after studying his species, took him to a Force Nexus attuned to the Dark Side. There, he was pieced back together, not with his original materials, but with anything the Sith found around and about. The onlh thing if his old self was the patch around his right eye, and left of his neck.

Because of those pieces, when he was revived, his new consciousness lost the memories of his old self, all aside from the suffering he endured. One would wonder why he doesn't cha ge how he looks, but he no longer remembered his people's teachings. He thought if he changed how he looked, he'd lose his sense of self. As such he feels trapped in a body he despises.

Now, he is a Sith acolyte.
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