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KOTOR II: The Philosophy of Kreia​
Here's a feature-length video on Kreia's philosophy from Knights of the Old Republic II, which also goes a long way in deepening an understanding Jedi and Sith philosophy as well.
Kreia....Darth Traya has always been my favourite character....especially as a Sith. Her ideals and philosophy will always hold a special place in my heart. Love or hate the character.....she would appreciate your effort.
I've always really loved the philosophy of Kreia/Traya, even moreso after I saw this video a while back. It speaks to something I've always been interested in and tried to reflect in characters and stories I've written. As in, how an observer or partaker in the universe and events of Star Wars and those surrounding the force actually feels and is affected by these things, rather than just what we're told.

For instance, why do Sith all seem so driven to psychopathy and rage in so many aspects? Why do Jedi find themselves doing unusual things at the behest of the force, etc. It's all really interesting to me in how it feels for any being to have to deal with the fact that there's an underlying 'force' that controls everything in life and there's nothing that can be done about it.
I've always really appreciated the character of Kriea for helping me see the Star Wars world in more than just shades of black and white but also that there is grey. The greater revelation from Kriea is what shades you see might not be the same as others, and in many ways what you do is equally as evil or good. It just depends on what side your on, gives more creedance to the idea of a real balance rather than the Dark or Light dominating.
A decade ago, when I first started Kurayami as a character I had just finished playing through both of the KOTOR games(not first playthrough, more like thirteenth or more). How much he bounced around between Sith and Jedi would have given a pinball vertigo. Eventually I began to realize that neither of those allowed the full extent of writing a Force sensitive character, and started to read through Kreia's dialogue trees and responses to certain actions and dialogue options. That is what led to me developing him as a Grey/Neutral FU who strives to learn as much as he can about the Force as a whole, seeing it as neither light nor dark, but instead as a myriad of facets. To him Light and Dark, Jedi and Sith, are nothing but labels used to villify/justify one's actions as greater than those of another, the Force itself has no such dichotomy, that rests solely within the wielder. In his mind it is all about balance, if you cause harm, do equal good and vice versa. I have found this to be much more helpful in writing a character that reacts naturally to a situation than a Jedi or a Sith might.

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