Kowareta Tsuno
Age | 35 |
Species | Human |
Gender | Male |
Height | 6’8” |
Weight | 250 lbs |
Force Sensitive | Yes |
Long Black Hair, Poneytail, short black goatee, dark hazel eyes, and white skin.
Odachi Lightsaber (Red)
Katana Lightsaber (Red)
Horned Helm
Samurai Armor
Kowareta is the head Daiymo of a Lost Tribe of Sith that has survived on traditions of Honor, Sacrifice, and Power.
- Honorable
- Wise
- Patient
- Man of Integrity
- Courageous
- Loyal
- Respectful
- Polite
Blademaster: Trained in all forms of saber combat, Korwareta has a passion for the dueling, training his own warriors personally.
Group Combat: A Master in fighting many foes at once, making each stroke a kill stroke on NPCs.
Antiquated Honor: There are many in the galaxy who are doshonorable, Scum anx Villainy, and they do not follow codes of Honor.
Ruthless: When in combat situations he shows no quarter.
Kowareta Tsuno was born into a Lost Tribe of the Sith on Nfolgai. He was trained from childhood in saber combat and the dark side of the Force. He has spent many years fighting intruders on the planet, and a rival clan that broke off from Clan Krayt long ago. Kowareta’s Krayt Clan forbids the use of blasters and dishonorable weapons. They believe in facing your enemy in close combat and for that reason they use no ships either. Clan Krayt is thus isolated on Nfolgai, and unknown to the larger galaxy.
Kowareta has a wife named Mika, and son named Hiroto. They are as dear to him as his Honor.
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