Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Kraal Martesh


Name: Kraal Martesh

Faction: The Sith Empire

Rank: Acolyte

Species: Kaleesh

Age: 24 years

Sex: Male

Height: 6'1"

Weight: 165 lbs

Eyes: Red with black slits

Hair: None

Skin: Blood Orange

Force Sensitive: Yes

Appearance: Kraal is 6 feet and 1 inch tall with a rather muscular build. He wears almost anything he can find to replace whatever got torn recently. The only thing he has on the is reminiscent of his homeworld is his ceremonial mask which he wears any time he is out in public. Without his mask on he has a tusk on both sides of his jaw and batlike ears. His mask is made out of bone with two horns on each side of his head where his ears normally are. It has holes over his eyes slightly larger than his eye sockets. He has 4 digits on each hand, 3 fingers and a thumb.

Kraal Martesh was born on his species native planet of Kalee. He was born into a family of warriors much like most of his species as war and skirmishes were a normal and sacred part of Kaleesh society. He however never had much interest in the physical aspect of war and preferred to study different combat tactics and different strategies for different scenarios. His parents disapproved of what they thought was cowardice so they forced him into the smaller fights. This actually helped him as he learned his tribes strengths and weaknesses so he could alter his plans accordingly.
Kraal eventually became known throughout his tribe as an excellent strategist and scholar developing a thirst for knowledge over the years. He assisted in his tribe winning many different skirmishes and small wars between his tribe and others. Thanks to a mix between his clans strength and his battle planning they won roughly 85% of their battles. During his clans first large scale war that his clan was involved in that he oversaw a book that he had on a shelf on the other side of his planning room fell off the shelf and started to be dragged across the ground towards him by an unseen force. He didn't realize at this time that he was force sensitive and believed it to be the spirit of one of his ancestors attempting to reach out and help him. The book then opened to a page depicting a space ship of some kind. He knew this ship to be one of the Empire's ships and only knew this because of his study over their technology and superior battle tactics.
Kraal, now 24 years old, found an old ship in slight disrepair and realized the only way he was going to find the knowledge he sought was if he left Kalee. He used what resources he could find to repair the ship albeit a crude and improvised repair. He heard of the legends of General Grievous, who is revered as a god on his world, and sought to have the same type of legacy. He had quite of few moments of strange things happening either by an unknown force or that only he could hear. He heard seemingly random whispers in his ear but could extremely rarely concentrate enough to make out anything. There were also quite a few random things that would randomly move towards or away from him. Over time he managed to make out a few random whispers which would say things like vengeance or power. The words however that stuck out to him the most were science and knowledge. So on he went to quench his thirst for knowledge whatever it takes.

Kraal eventually found his way to the Sith Academy where he met his master Vereshin.

Strengths: Highly intelligent, Excellent battle strategist, Resourceful, Decent melee fighter, Strong willed, Persistant

Weaknesses: Antisocial, Horrible with a blaster, Lack of diplomatic skills, Believes fighting/war solves all diplomatic problems, Next to no empathy

Ship: Crudely repaired civilian vessel

Kills: None

Bounties Collected: None

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