THE Wookie Jedi
NAME: Krafurk Maris
FACTION: Order of the Grey
RANK: Rouge Jedi Padawan
SPECIES: Ithorian
AGE: 50
SEX: Male
HEIGHT: 2.4m
WEIGHT: 147kg
EYES: Grey/Red
HAIR: Black / Grey
SKIN: Thick dark brown/ Dark grey
(+) Determined: Krafurks Will is extremely strong, once set on a goal he wants he will not stray far from getting what he wants in the end.
(+) Philosophers Mind: Seeks to better himself in Mind, granted Wisdom and Intellect.
(+) Analytic: Constantly sweeps his environment for key factors, strengths and weaknesses.
(+) Like It was Yesterday: Remembers things from the smallest detail.
(+) Bigger: Krafurks Size uncommon with the Ithorian race and is naturally Muscular.
(+/-) Ithorian Curiosity: Ithorians are naturally a curious race more then others and find both Good and Bad effects.
(-) Stubborn: Believes his way of doing things is right and best. Often this gets him into trouble of all kinds making him learn from his many mistakes.
(-) Sloth: Being naturally bigger Krafurk in slow moving and is not that Flexible.
(-) Loud: Due to Ithorian dual mouths Krafurk is very loud and can be heard in almost all Area's.
Krafurks Appearance is a dominating one of strength and height, He takes after his father Galzor Maris who was believed to be the biggest Ithorian recorded. Krafurk bares a rough scarred body from past endeavors. Krafurk can be seen in a big robe with tattered black attire under. krafurks muscular tone is thick and easily seen from afar if ever Krafurk is seen without his robes. Krafurk favors traditional Ithorian armor boots, for the boots were his fathers, but absolutely hates full armor believeing its always too small for him and tight fitting.The only Head waer Krafurk prefers are Ithorian goggles/glasses to keep the Tatooine sun and sand out of his big eyes.
1. Path of the Just
Born on Ithor Krafurk was born believed to of be of great purpose to his people due to his Dark grey skin tone mixed with Brown. Krafurk was raised with morals of peace and justice with his people, embracing the his native ways of curiosity and herbalism. When Krafurk came of age jedi came and recruited him at his request to be trained on Tatooine. While on Tatooine Krafurk went through many trials, positive and negative to improve himself. Trials Consisted of gathering herbs, Diplomacy, Keeping the peace and Charity. Krafurk embraced the Jedi ways oh so eager to please his Masters and show off to his fellow jedi but curiosity got the best of him. After breaking up a fight in Mos Entha Cantina Krafurk noticed a Dark Robed Figure sitting in the back watching him as he proudly preformed his Duty. Krafurk again embracing his own natures walked and consorted with the Robed Figure, asking who are you? and Whats your business here? At that moment Krafurk did not realize he was consorting with a rouge Jedi Knight named Tekavor. Tekavor told Krafurk who he was to the extend to please Krafurks curiosity and started the plunge of questions to make Krafurk question the Jedi ways. Once on this path Krafurk questioned everything and did his Duties differently & Quietly no longer was he this Proud Jedi but a Jedi who questioned everything and always asking why. At times he helped criminals because through Krafurks eyes their means were Just. Krafurk continued this in till we was caught by Local Mos Entha Police, when the police threaten to reported him to his masters Krafurk responed and lied to the officer by takeing stolen Spice from the Criminals stating it was Krafurks duty to catch these Men and that Krafurk was helping the Mos Entha police. No one bought it. With criminals whispering betrayal on one side and the Mos Entha police talking bout law, Krafurks mind raced, looking at all details and Mind racing on what to do. If caught his Reputation would be done for and would be punished by the jedi order for helping and if he continued helping the criminals they would betray him. While is this moment a criminal took out a Vibroknife and slashed at Krafurks back. As Mos Entha police drew their blasters and fired Krafurk rolled to the side, as he rolled a stray blaster bolt hit his leg armor boot and while still maintaining pain from the slash the bolt caused no physical harm to his body but still hurt and at the moment Krafurk in pain realesed a Scream powered with he Force. As the Scream continued both criminals and police started to shriek in pain as their internal Organs Hemorrhaged causeing internal bleeding. Both sides died within minutes. Once Krafurk realized what he had done he went into hiding afraid of the Jedi's judgement and out look on the subject.
Soon after the "Accident" Krafurk was wanted after carefully investigated by the Jedi. Roaming the sandy dunes of the planet, Krafurk was found by none other than Tekavor who had been secertly following Krafurk since "accident". Tekavor taught Krafurk how to hide his Force Presence and gave him access to Forbidden knowledge, Sith Holocrons. From then on Krafurk and Tekavor roamed Tatooine wishing to seek more power and learn together.
After Roaming Tatooine for several months Krafurk split off away from Tekavor and went his seperate ways searching for Power, but masked that power search for a search of help for himself. Krafurk was in trouble with the Counsel expecting his return and on the edge of becoming a wanted man Krafurk was forced to learn how to hide his Force Presence once more. Though this ability was not practiced regularly, the Force obeyed Krafurks simple command of "Hide". After traveling to various Planets Krafurk Meets a young but looks to be hopeful bounty hunter named Carden Lorps. The Hunter greets him in an empty bar owned by his Father, making good Company Krafurk orders a drink and tells part of his past and why he is here saying
Krafurk Maris said:" This Bar is the closest to home I think...."
Krafurk continues and shows Carden his training saber and explains how his goal is to better himself for Knowledge and Redemption. Continuing Krafurks Journey he shortly exits the bar after having a brief Conversation with the young Bounty Hunter and exits into a crowd. Later while hoping to search for a an ally, one that held his same beliefs for the Force. Krafurk Discovers what could be his chance to be apart of both Light and Dark with the Force.
2. Order of the Grey
Krafurk following only but a rumor given to him by other fallin jedi finds the rumor to be true. A order that embraces both jedi and dark jedi. Founded on the Acceptance of Knowledge for the betterment of all and Learning. Krafurks Ithorian Curiosity could be finally be filled for the better. Following the finding of order, Krafurk meets Rouge jedi knight Venio Garn, and his students...
Standard Jedi Training Saber (Main hand)
Thread Listing
Total Threads: 6 | Completed: 5
Training Threads
Total: 1 | Completed: 0
- Training with Alex
Total: 0 | Completed: 0
- Pending
Total: 3 | Completed: 2
A Rumor Followed: Done
A New Day: Done
The Machine: Done
Total: 0 | Completed: 0
- Pending
Total: 0 | Completed: 0
- Pending
Total: 2 | Completed: 1
- A Empty Bar, A Empty Life (Open): Done
- Just a normal night (Ask): Done