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Approved NPC Krafurk Priest

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Sargon Priest


  • Intent: Create an assistant for Sargon and fellow clan brother
  • Image Credit: Original image from Star Wars Galaxies(SWG)
  • Role: Advisor, brother in arms and friend
  • Permissions: N/A
  • Links: Trandoshan, Neo-Crusader Beskar'gam
  • Age: 22
  • Force Sensitivity: Non-Force User
  • Species: Trandoshan
  • Appearance: Krafurk is a green scaled Trandoshan. He is two meters tall and hundred fifth-teen kilograms. Commonly he can be seen in Neo-crusader mandalorian armor covered in animal hides and the occasional wookie pelts. No one including Sargon has ever seen Krafurk take off his helmet. The details of his facial appearance remain a mystery.
  • Name: Krafurk Priest
  • Loyalties: Sargon Priest , Clan Priest
  • Wealth: Fairly wealthy. Earns his living by Big game hunting and training creatures
  • Notable Possessions: Neo-Crusader Beskar'gam,
  • Skills: Skilled Pilot, mechanic, creature handler, tracker, hunter, survivalist and slave trader
  • Personality: Krafurk is rather charismatic for a Trandoshan.
  • Excellent marksman
  • Skilled hunter and survivalist
  • Expert creature handler
  • Well connected with black market
  • Is not overly fond of wookies
  • Has a temper
  • Occasionally smells like a Hutt
I met Krafurk on a hunt expedition on Kashyyyk. The Great Hunt. Wookies and Rodian hunting clans used the hunt to see who was the greatest among them and as a rite of maturity for young adolescent wookie males. Needless to say the tension before the Great Hunt began was thicker than the jungles of Dxun. A medium gathering of Rodian hunters, all of them stank horribly, along side two large reptilian males. A Trandoshan, a species already distrusted by the wookies and then there was myself. Yinchorri. The Wookies knew I was not trandoshan but still their distrust for our pairing was overly apparent. It was there in the Shadow Lands did Krafurk and I become real friendly. We beat each other within an inch of your lives. For some reason he was determined to harvest the pelts of feral wookies and attempt to kill the adolescents on the Hunt with us. He failed. I stopped him in the end and it saved our hides. Since then he has proven a trusted ally and friend. Especially when learning how to handle various creatures across the galaxy.
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