Kraigmiir Hijiin

Kraigmiir Hijiin: I AM FREE
FULL NAME: Kraigmiir Hijiin, Pronounced Cry-egg-mirr High-jin
NICKNAMES: Krag, Snow, and Reaper
RANK: Freelance Mercenary/Apprentice
SPECIES: Alchemical Creation, Formally Purebred Null
AGE: 115, Physically 20
GENDER: Female, though appears androgynous
HEIGHT: 8 feet 9 inches
WEIGHT: 358 pounds
EYE COLOR: Formally dark green, now piercing red
HAIR COLOR: Light brown, kept shaved as is only grows back in patches
SKIN: Heavily scarred, sickly pale white/grey. Past burns are evident.
FORCE STATUS: Sensitive, though still learning how to control her 'gift'.
Krag before being tested on:

While being tortured and toyed with, along with being infused with dark sith magic was naturally unpleasant, it had its advantages. Such as increased strength, muscle mass, and agility. Perhaps it even powered one's bond to the force. All good things. Worth it? Nah, not really. But being turned into a hulking weapon of destruction with glowing eyes and retractable claws definitely made killing, robbing, and threatening easier. Add a keen wit and imaginative intelligence, and you have a the makings of a fine warrior. Or the star of a brand new reality show.
Do you think it's easy making friends when you're almost nine feet tall, have red eyes, and are heavily scarred? If so, you're wrong. Making allies is tough, even when you're actually pretty friendly. Most of the time you have to hide behind armor or cloaks and masks. Not fun. And have you tried hiding when you look like Krag does? That ain't easy either. Plus, it's hard to fit through some doorways, and can be plain old embarrassing sometimes. Oh, almost forgot... Sleeping for nearly a century makes you get a little behind on politics and whatnot. And not speaking much Basic? Almost as not fun as being 8 foot 9 inches.
SHIP: None at the moment. Working on stealing one.
KILLS: No one of interest.
Pre-Alteration: Kraigmiir was kind. Always, no matter the situation. There had even been a time where someone attempted to rob her, and she freely gave them credits before giving them her blessing and praying for their forgiveness. And though she was rather quiet, she was thoughtful. There was never a moment where her mind was silent. Others used her for it, leaning on her until she could no longer support the weight. And she was fine with that. She let them use her, let them walk all over them. In the end she'd cry as they left, despite the fact that she knew it would come. Krag was soft, to kind for her own good.
Post-Alteration: Everything changed. Sith torture forced her to see the worlds as they really were: Cruel, unforgiving, and violent. No longer was she kind, no longer did she pray that unknown Gods would save anyone. Instead she cursed them, wishing desperately that they'd all just go to hell. All that she had ever been was erased. A cold, untrusting killer took her place. Kraigmiir became more courageous, more aggressive, and stopped letting others use her. Part of her tried to still be kind... but when one is treated like a monster, one becomes that monster.
Childhood: Born on Hoth to two loving parents, Kraigmiir was just another kid. Quickly she got used to the cold of her home planet, and tolerated it much more than some of the other inhabitants. Growing up she had an average amount of friends, some of which were quick to take advantage of her trusting and naive nature. Soon her parents became concerned, especially when she would get in trouble at the academy. Eventually she was kicked out of school for aiding another student in multiple pranks and fights. The Null family moved, and started over in another settlement.
All was well for some time, and Krag continued learning. It wasn't long before her intelligence showed. Her grades were high, and she was almost constantly at the top of her class. As time went on, however, others started pushing her away. Some regarded her a freak, mostly for her tall stature and semi-muscular limbs. There were those that honestly did care about her. Unfortunately, the majority merely wanted to use her as a sort of body guard or tool. Krag never seemed to mind.
Teenage Years: By the time she had turned 13, the Null was just over six feet tall, and had a reputation as kind, but protective. Nothing seemed to faze the girl, and for the most part she kept to herself. A massive betrayal by one of her closest 'friends' made her rethink her life choices when she was fourteen. Though, as was her nature, she moved on and continued trusting many of those she shouldn't have. Once more peers were using her for their wrongdoings, knowing she couldn't say no to a friend. Multiple times her parents had to intervene, and sometimes spend long hours talking with school representatives trying to keep her education going.
When she turned 16 a change was noticeable. The girl started believing in herself more, and distanced herself from troublemakers. Instead of directly helping them she prayed, asking the Gods to watch over them and correct their paths. This would be the time she was most faithful in her life, devoting an hour each day to study of religion and mythology. Krag's 19th birthday was celebrated quietly, and she began the search for her own apartment. She never found the right place.
Kidnapping: All she wanted was to help the galaxy, make it a better place. Fate had a different idea. A Sith lord captured her, intending on performing dastardly experiments on the girl. Far below the surface of Hoth was his layer, along with his labs and servants. Together the wicked Darth tried alchemy, attempting everything he could think of. Surely Krag would have died if she had been the only one taken. But no... her captor saved his best work for last, twisting her DNA until she became his idea of the perfect killing machine.
During this time the Sith made many enemies. In time they came for him, so he locked his precious creation away, putting her in a force sustained slumber. Then he left Hoth, attempting to escape those that wished for his demise. He failed, and was killed not far from his compound. Unknown to most, he had harbored a child. One who would one day become essential to Kraigmiir's story...
Awakening: A fool's son fathered a fool. How predictable, and yet so fitting. The Darth's grandson came to the compound, seeking secrets of the devious kind. Inside he found the sleeping chamber of Kraigmiir, her body inside a military suit of armor. Curious, the fool opened her container and unknowingly awakened her. Moments later he lay dead on the floor, having been cast aside by the Null girl. Everything was so confusing to her. The man before her had been weak. He was not her captor. Cobwebs lined the walls and filled corners. It became clear the facility had not been used in quite a long time.
Growing frustrated she searched the place, wishing to eradicate the man who had warped her. All she found were codes to computers, passwords to minor bank accounts, and a lightsaber that had been left behind. Momentarily satisfied the Null left, going in search of a family she'd never find, and a killer who had already been killed.
Revenge: Kraigmiir had not been pleased to learn she had slept for nearly a century. It was obvious the one who had enslaved her was dead, and that his blood had stained the planet. Now she wanders, in search of a purpose, and of some trace of the life she left behind.
Ballistakinesis: Novice
Force Speed: Novice
Force Push: Adept
Force Pull: Adept
Pyrokinesis: Adept
Mate: None
Trainer: Flint Dexen
Companion: None
Master/Owner: None
Allies: Lilith Mae Lancaster
Enemies: None
Basic: Still learning, can manage small conversations.
Durese: Near-fluent, learned as a child.
Rodese: Fluent, learned as child.
The Cold Never Bothered Me Anyway: Chatting with Lilith (
The Cold Never Bothered Me Anyway: Chatting with Lilith (
More to be added.
1,000,000 Credits
ICE Razorhawk Maneuvering System (Given as a reward for killing Mistress Kurah Rrusho and delivering her intact brain)
One sliver-bladed Lightclub
Various heavy winter cloaks
Various metal and leather masks
A dozen captive Hoth Hogs