Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Krato Litt

The soon to be rich upstart Merc/Hunter:

NAME: Krato Litt

FACTION: Outer Rim Coalition

RANK: Undetermined

SPECIES: Human with cybernetic enhancements, so a Cyborg technically?

AGE: 30

SEX: Male

HEIGHT: 6 ft.


EYES: He wears a helmet.

HAIR: See "Eyes"

SKIN: See "Hair"




Weaknesses: Excessive damage to his mask will blind him, it's got a HUD that works alongside his cybernetic eye. An EMP would ruin him, his mask wouldn't function, his left leg wouldn't work, he'd go blind in an eye, not to mention just his entire helmet would be out of commission, etc.

Strengths: Agile, Tactical, Cunning


Krato is a six foot tall, Merc/Bounty Hunter, clad in a suit of armor he upkeeps and upgrades himself, the most stand-out part being the one way view helmet, he can see you, but all you'd see is faint light from the HUD he created on his side of his mask. His armor covers every inch of him, and he doesn't usually remove any bit of it in public unless to repair or upgrade or swap out a piece.

Krato was born wealthy somewhere in the Anoat sector to two successful bounty hunting parents whom he refuses to name specifically to distance himself from his original family name. Determined to make a name for himself, he aligned himself with varieties of gangs and pirate crews to gain as much experience as he could in the criminal underworld. Years later, after successfully screwing over, stealing from, and just outright pissing off a good percentage of the people he'd allied himself with during his start, "Krato Litt", as he called himself now, had a ship, armor he'd upgraded himself, some weapons, and a basic reputation. All the tools he needed for his start....

The Black Dingo, a Lancer class pursuit craft.

Hopefully you reading this, unless you have a job for me?

Work in progress.


minor background things: Former imperial doctor, Dr. Cylo. The man who had, during the dark times of the universe managed to stay alive by his advanced scientific research, know-how and capability. He'd found the secret to immortality, and, for the right price, would share some of his technology with a select few. Having been hired on to help protect one of Dr. Cylo's labs from a slew of his enemies, Krato had earned Cylo's appreciation enough for Cylo to build Krato a suit of armor, as well as a few upgrades here and there to said armor as well as modifications to Litt's body.


Krato's armor is fit for his job, having several defensive and offensive capabilities to either turn the tide of a battle, get the jump on a bounty or unsuspecting adversary, or get away from an enemy as quickly and safely as possible.

-Magnetic Boots and Gloves: Just what the name says.

-Cloaking: He can turn his body invisible and can mask his heat signature with his cloaking technology, but his sound and scent effected, therefore a keen or trained sense of either could point him out in a room.


Se-44c, two, one tucked on a holster on either side of him.

TL-50, strapped to his back.

Flamethrower on his left gauntlet.

Left gauntlet is outfitted with interchangeable functions such as: sleep or poison dart shooter, small laser, usually used for cutting into things rather than combat, unless very close, and a device that can emit damaging sound waves of varying frequencies, from uncomfortable, to deafening.

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