Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Kraton Lassiter


NAME: Kraton Lassiter
RANK: Captain of his ship?
SPECIES: Human, Corellian
AGE: 36
SEX: Male
HEIGHT: 6’ 3”
WEIGHT: 163lbs
EYES: Blue
HAIR: Dark brown and wavy
SKIN: Fair complexion



Will always stand up for those being persecuted, has little tolerance for bullies.
Has a very helpful nature, especially if the credits are good or if she is pretty.
Committed to the task at hand and will very reluctantly let anyone down.
Know's his way around a blaster.
Considers himself to be a reasonable pilot.

Credits, likes to have them like most do, but spends them foolishly and always regrets it afterwards. Usually blows his money when he partakes in gambling.
Drinking can be a problem at times.
Can be vocal at the wrong time and if it doesn’t concern him.

Kraton is tall and rugged with his looks, usually rough on the chin with light stubble. Tends to wear dark hard wearing attire. Walks with a swagger of confidence, even if it can be misplaced at times. His build is lean and muscular but not to excessive standards.

Kraton was born to a Naval Officer Father and a Mother he never knew due to her death at the time of his birth. His Father Jaxton Lassiter took his son from post to post, usually opting for ground assignments rather than space duties. The man was firm with his Son, which would later manifest into resentment from Kraton and an eventual parting of ways. It had always been Jaxton’s wish to see his Son join the service and become an Officer. The more his Father pushed, the less Kraton wanted to do and that would eventually see them split and for young Lassiter to leave the family home at a young age.

After leaving home Lassiter found work on various freighters, hopping from place to another and generally kept his head down. That was until he met Dal Redgar, the operator of a YT 2000 freighter, who took the younger man under his wing. Redgar was a lot older and very overweight, hence why he needed someone to help with his day to day routine. The two men bonded into something like a Father/Son relationship. Dal died suddenly while on a run, at which point Lassiter inherited the ship, which was called ‘The Drifter’. Kraton never found out the origin of the name.

From then on Kraton drifted from place to place, trying to make himself an honest living. He was offered the occasional underhand contract, but would only take them when the funding levels were dangerously low.

Hope is ok to use this design



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