Krayt Battlecircle
A cultural exchange - that was what they called it. It was something to further the relations between the Jedi and the Mandalorians. It was no large scale event, not this time - only a few Jedi visiting a Mandalorian basecamp on Mandalore, very appropriate. For the time being, it seemed to be where Clan Krayt had established themselves with many warriors who seemed utterly capable. It was one of the clans which viewed the Jedi with less fondness - in truth, Mathieu didn't know what it was that made them agree to have a bunch of Jedi walk around in the camp. Maybe the bonds between them were growing so strong that it would be hard to not welcome them to their homes at some point. Or maybe it wasn't by choice - it was fully possible that it wasn't really their camp to decide over. At any rate - there they were, meeting each other.
This was all something which the large Padawan was rather happy about. While he did not know what other Jedi thought, he had always held Mandalorians in high regard - they were renowned warriors and as someone who always appreciated a good story, they always seemed to be featured in them. It was amazing to finally being able to walk among them in a more profound manner than before. He remembered meeting with Zephyr Krayt with fondness, for he had made a friend that day, hopefully, this day would be just as good.
Slowly walking through the camp, wearing all the equipment he usually did, Mathieu didn't feel quite as much as a foreigner as many of his peers. He wore heavy armour and had worked as a rather successful Mercenary before his force sensitivity was discovered. In many ways, he lacked the 'weakness' which some Mandalorians had come to despise about the Jedi. Hopefully, he could be a positive representative and help close whatever gaps existed between them.
Eventually, he arrived by a circle. It was not something which was clearly marked - but it had been used diligently enough that the grass had died, making the solid ground stand in stark contrast to the softer grassy areas around it. Multiple people stood by the circle but only two could be found inside of it. The two habitants of the circle were fighting a fierce battle, they were armoured and their vambraces seemed to be active and their dulled swords were certainly not shy of action - but they had discarded their rifles, allowing their friends to hold their weapons for now. Captivated by their skill, Mathieu kept walking closer to the circle. He noted how the people around it didn't seem to be cheering much, something which could be expected from other orchestrated fights - no, these bystanders didn't watch the fights for their own entertainment, even though that may very well be part of it. Instead, the watched to learn, studying combat as it happened in front of their eyes.
Arriving by the side of a woman, Mathieu asked two simple questions "What this? Can I also have a go at it?"
Raya Krayt