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Approved Planet Krieg

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Intent: To Submit the homeworld of my future character and submissions, while also creating a set of cultures that I feel fit star wars and are somewhat unique, and of course to create yet another planet for other players to enjoy

​Image Credit: Krieg Heimskringla Shi'Lai Marksman
Shi'lai'yaim | Naudir Throne
Canon: N\A

Planet Name: Krieg

Demonym: Kriegir

Region: Outer Rim

System Name: Krieg System

System Features: Two Moons(One green moon named "Augegrün" and a red moon named augerot), And a single M-type star. Krieg itself is a tidal locked planet.

Location: Hex 13H 6V, Galactic west of Aeten II

Major Imports: Food, Water, Munitions, tools, droids.

Major Exports: Beskar, Ciridium, Durasteel ore, Kri'gee, Ne'tra Ga, Handmade Beskar'gam, beskad, and mandalorian style armor for non humans.

Unexploited Resources: N\A


Gravity: Standard

Climate: Arid in most areas, standard in the ring(see features), and frozen in the north.

Primary Terrain: Sub Tropical deserts in the brightlands, tropical in the southern ring(see features), cold grasslands in the north ring(see features) And Frozen ocean in the nachtlandir.(see features)

Atmosphere: Type I


Capital City: Heimskringla'Naudir'yaim (reffered to as either heimskringla for short, sometimes as naudir'yaim by the shi'lai)

Planetary Features:
-The Ring: A series of islands and coastline on the northern edge of the brightlands, this is where the majority of settlements and agricultural facilities are built, it wraps around the entire plant, providing the one and only source of vegetation on the entire planet, though it ecomes cold and inhospitable once it reaches the nachtlandir.
-The Brightlands: The vast desert surface of the world, eternally battered under the light of a local star. as the planet is tidal locked, the brightlands are never dark.
Brightlands Theme
-Nachtlandir: The great icefields on the dark half of the planet, shrouded in "Night" all day and all year long. As the planet is tidal locked, natural sunlight does not occur here, leaving the vast ocean that dominates this half of the planet frozen year round.

Major Locations:
Heimskringla Is the capital city of krieg and seat of clan naudir. the city occupies the north most edge of the second largest island on the ring, temperatures here are always mildly cold, forcing most of the city's population to wear various coats and jackets. the buildings themselves are made from durable materials such as durasteel and even duraplast in some cases. they are also famed on world for their unique style, with long narrow halls on the lower floors built in the shadows of their towers and slanted roofs. The southern folk jokingly refer to them as The "Long Houses".

Shi'lai'yaim is a fortified city in the far south of the brightlands, the city was carved out of a mountaintop that took centuries for the shi'lai to finish, it was there long before the naudir arrived. the shi'lai retreat here during the gamorrean raiding season. the shi'lai use the narrow bridge to funnel their enemies into a kill box. Try as they might, the gamorreans still haven't breached the gate.

Force Nexus (Optional): N\A
Intent: N\A
Nexus Name: N\A
Nexus Alignment: N\A
Size: N\A
Accessibility: N\A
Effects: N\A
Native Species: Spice eels(sparse), Ravens, Falcons, Hawks, gold eagles, Dewbacks, Blurrgs Banthas, Porgs(located in abundance along the northern coastline, they often play the role of both food source and\or pet animals.. mostly pets though)

Immigrated Species: Togruta(note: Togruta of clan Drel and the shi'lai who are born on krieg, often have blue skin, this is partially do to their half chiss ancestry, but it is rumored to be caused by a type of spice found only on krieg.), Chiss, gamorrean and Humans.

Population: Moderate

Demographics: 20% Human, 30% gamorrean. 20% Togruta, 20% chiss, 10% Mixed other.

Primary Languages: Galactic Basic, and Mando'a, though sy bisti maintains a small presence in the capital and the brightlands.

Culture: Mandalorian culture reigns supreme in most inhabited regions, especially the ring, however do to clan naudir's colonization some years ago, their own take on mandalorian culture is also quite popular. this includes the mando'a dialect unique to the naudir and to krieg, where Js sound like Ys, Rs are rolled for almost annoying periods of time when spoken, Es at the end of a word make the Ehh sound, and A's at the the end of a word almost don't exist, making only the most subtle ah sound. Nearly every settlement in the ring has at least one alehouse, the drink is shipped all across the the world. due to ale's ability to remain unspoiled during prolonged travel, it is often used by the naudir to trade and forge alliances with the various tribes and clans of the desert brightlands. The mandalorians of the north have a great respect for the fallen and for their ancestors, great tombs are built into the glaciers of the north, and thousands of bodies are kept in each one of them. It Is not uncommon for shrines to be built to honour one's ancestors, in fact it is quite prevalent in the brightlands where preserving a body in a frozen glacier is simply impossible, most caves and cliff sides have statues, tombs, and small shrines carved into or built on top of them.

Aside from mandalorian culture, there are also tribes of chiss and togruta who had lived on krieg long before the naudir, most have accepted the naudir as strong and worthy leaders, and settled with them in the ring and adopted their way of life, but many groups prefer to keep to their own traditions, and have isolated themselves in the brightlands or even the nachtlandir.

the First of these groups are the Shi'lai, A culture of desert dwelling togruta, chiss and humans. they have a warrior like culture similar to mandalorians, with an emphasis on long range marksmanship that comes from the need to hunt created by the lack of edible vegetation, and swordsmanship, as ammunition is a precious resource that must be saved if at all possible. Do to their distance from the capital in the brightlands, most Shi'lai learn to do without the same levels of technology as their northern counterparts, which is difficult to buy. Speeders are a symbol of status, and most warriors rely on blurrgs, dewback, and even tamed spice eels to travel in the harsh desert. practicality and thusly sustainability is the main focus of all craftsmanship to the shi'lai, decorations and jewelry are not often sought after, the most common of decorations are engravings in weapons and armor. aside from targeting rifles and the occasional slugthrower, vibro blades, especially swords are the most prized weapons among them, and are often used to settle disputes. despite their initially barbaric appearance, the shi'lai are very much against needless violence. duels are rarely ever fought past the drawing of first blood, and war is rare between the tribes, instead they wage war against their gamorrean enemies.
The shi'lai live primarily in nomadic caravans, but there are a few villages and even fortifications spread throughout the brightlands.

The second of these groups are the gamorrean raiders who have settled in the western mountains of the brightlands, their culture is almost identical to that of gamorreans on gamora, they have even been able to grow their favorite mushrooms in various caverns. every other year, the gamorreans travel in hordes to shi'lai territory to pillage and plunder, this is known as the raiding season, and most shi'lai retreat to shi'lai'yaim during these events.

Force usage is seen by most as strange and hazardous. The naudir have spread the idea that it(especially when bias towards any one particular form) causes infighting and holy wars, which- just like all active religions is impractical and damaging to one's culture, stability and way of life, and is therefore prohibited in mandalorian territory. (The naudir tolerate "passive" religions, that are seen as harmless. the simple belief in the afterlife for example, is not considered a threat, however any religion that requires one to combat a specific belief system is seen a threat to their culture and stability. those who wish to argue excuses will say that mandalorian beliefs extend only to the afterlife, and that it does not target any specific group, and is therefore also not a threat to krieg itself.)

The Shi'lai have many spiritual beliefs, as there is no single "Correct" belief system in their eyes, and therefore they do not prohibit force usage, or any other practice, so long as it does not harm members of the shi'lai or their allies.


Government: Feudal Kingdom

Affiliation: Clan Naudir

Wealth: Medium

Stability: Medium. Clan naudir and their allies keep the peace in their respected territories, crime rates are low and met with harsh punishment in mandalorian territory. Crime rates are low among the shi'lai and met with extremely harsh punishments(most of which involve missing limbs\appendages.), and they do not trust outsiders, though most will not harm outsiders, so long as they keep to their own business.
The gamorreans will likely rob, kill and otherwise harm outsiders for any given reason if they come across them.

Freedom & Oppression: The people are treated fairly by their respected lords and ladies. Each king\queen is born to clan naudir, and must prove themselves to their people through a feat of arms or other such greatness, which usually involves fighting in wars off world. should clan naudir lack a worthy candidate for the throne
(aka, the Beskar Be'sheber, or "Mandalorian iron of sit why does mando'a not have a word for seat???), than the populace will vote on their favorite, willing clan leaders. the clan leader with the most votes wins, ties are broken through honorable, non lethal combat. Each citizen is either born into a clan or adopted into one that both respects the individual and is respected by said individual, each clan is assigned a task by the majority of the clan leaders, and all members of that clan work to achieve that task, weather that be crafting, agriculture, or security. The majority of workers are droids, which makes up for the moderate population and the more war like interests of the majority population. to become a citizen, one must be part of one of the clans currently settled on krieg, be they born into one or adopted, though shi'lai have easier access to mandalorian territory than most outsiders, they were on krieg first after all, and are respected thusly.
Citizen's work hours, income, and general quality of life can vary from clan to clan, but the majority agree that they are treated fairly, and given fair opportunities.

Military: Under the rule of clan naudir and their allies, The entire populace can be weaponized at a moment's notice, and most of them have already been trained for war in the arctic, jungle, desert, space, and even the volcanic terrain of nearby Aeten II. The migrant fleet that once housed the majority of clan naudir and ferried most of the mandalorian populace to krieg many years ago, is still fully operational, giving them a decent naval fleet to defend krieg space and even carry the army to new battlefields if need be.

Technology: Galactic Standard.


The planet krieg was once a lush tropical world, used by mandalorians as a hunting ground during the old republic era. the jungles were considered dangerous and inhospitable, which made it the perfect place for young warriors to test their mettle. It was later the subject of weapons testing, and the victim of a powerful sith superweapon, the exact nature and records of which, have been lost to the ages. the weapon destroyed nearly all vegetation and life on the planet surface, leaving it a desolate wasteland, save for a string of islands now called "The Ring". it also altered the planet's orbit, causing it to become tidal locked, the planet no longer spins as it orbits it's native star, leaving one side baking under eternal sunlight, and the other side freezing in infinite night.
The first sentient beings to step upon krieg's soil after the weapons testing were chiss, rumor has it that they were chiss ascendancy fleeters who were to meet with imperial agents on some classified mission during the civil war, and were then ambushed by rebels along with their imperial allies. if that story is to be believed, than they crashed on krieg's surface and have been stuck there ever since, though the details are hard to obtain, as the true nature of the story has been lost over the generations. the togruta presence appears to originate from a crashed slaver vessel during the rise of the first order, they tell the story of strange chiss taking them in, and the lasting bond that it created, while the gamorreans who once guarded their cells fled into the mountains.
A few mandalorians have crashed or landed escape pods here from time to time through skirmishes and battles throughout history, leaving their cultural influence on the shi'lai, for better or for worse.
About 10 years ago, The mandalorians of clan naudir and their smaller allied clans arrived above krieg with their migrant fleet, and upon realizing that there was beskar on krieg, decided to make it their home. they descended down to the planet surface with the intention of creating a settlement, but were surprised to find the shi'lai on what they believed to be an uninhabited world. At first, both sides were suspicious of one another, but they found themselves fighting side by side when they were both attacked by the biggest gamorrean horde ever to be seen on krieg. the naudir did everything they could to help the shi'lai while they settled on the second largest island, the shi'lai returned the favor in kind. Eventually, the Shi'lai's leader, A chiss from the shi'lai clan "Drel", Allowed the naudir to adopt him and his clan into the naudir's own, merging both their nations through a familial bond. while not all shi'lai have agreed, and thus moved back to the desert, the majority of the original populace gets along with, and even supports the rule of clan naudir.
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