Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Factory Krinemonen Hydraworks



  • Image Source: Drawn by me in Photoshop
  • Canon Link: N/A
  • Primary Source: N/A
  • Corporation Name: Krinemonen Hydraworks
  • Headquarters: Krinemonen III
  • Locations: Krinemonen III, Krinemonen III Shipyards
  • Operations: Shipbuilding, civilian colony ship manufacturing, hostile planet settlement, space/sea hybrid crafts, trade management.
  • Parent Corporation: N/A
  • Subsidiaries: N/A
Krinemonen Hydraworks was founded by Pazarro Krimenon III Pazarro Krimenon III in the year 705 on the aquatic industrial world of Krinemonen III upon his return from working at Mon Calamari Shipyards. It's intended to be the pride of Krinemonen III, as MCS was for Mon Cala, dedicated to the construction of ships made to weather the harshest environments in the galaxy. With a 200+ year old CEO at the helm, Krinemonen Hydraworks focuses on the development of large-scale civilian colony ships made to settle hostile environments, generation ships designed to facilitate intergalactic trade, space/sea hybrid crafts, and proping up the planetary economy of those within their perview. They have a highly patriotic undertone and a stark anti-Sith and anti-Imperial stance.

Krinemonen Hydraworks was founded by Pazarro Krimenon III Pazarro Krimenon III himself upon his return from Mon Cala, where he learned engineering from the brightest minds of MCS. It was created through crafty business deals and political lobbying by Pazarro himself. After so long, Pazarro sees himself as the only mind capable of running Krinemonen Hydraworks. For this reason he's extended his life through the use of expensive cybernetics to continue overseeing his magnum opus.


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