Age: 49
Race: Yuuzhan-Vong (Offshoot)
Faction: N/A
Height: Well over two meters
Weight: Heavy
Eyes: Sickly Green
Skin: Blueish-Gray
Force Sensitive: Force Dead
Agile: Krinikal's body is built for acrobatics. His strength comes from his mobility, and without it, he would have been killed long ago.Intelligent: Sagely in nature, Krinikal is an intellectual creature. Were it not for his obsession with acquiring knowledge, he would have remained a zealous fanatic.
No guns! : Events in Krinikal's childhood have made him despise common weaponry such as blasters, slugthrowers, lasers, etc. Even in a life or death situation, he will not touch the things (cannons on ships notwithstanding).Armor is for the plebeians: Given his odd body structure, armor must be crafted custom for his body. His refusal to wear any form of Vong-shaped armor has restricted all conventional armor sets from Krinikal - he relies strictly an a meager combat shield for protection.
Heretic: While many Yuuzhan Vong have moved on from their hatred of technology, just as large a sum have not. Krinikal actively uses conventional technology as well as organic tech, and will be seen as a heretic by his more religious counterparts.
Deformed: It is not uncommon for the Shapers to build entirely new creatures to serve specific needs. Krinikal's batch were seen as imperfect, and most cast out from society, leaving Krinikal a lone, odd looking soul.
Sterile: Krinikal will never breed do to the manner of his creation.
Many ill-fated creatures were born during the Gulag Plague. Species across the galaxy sought ways to subvert the effects of the plague, others worked to cure it in its entirety. A small colony of Yuuzhan Vong on the edge of the galaxy were a part of the latter group. Believing that no cure would ever be found, they sought to shape a creche of their young to be immune of the plague.
These Vong would keep their race alive if the worst outcome of the plague came to pass. Each youth was changed in one way or the other, elongated heads, removal of mouths, entirely changed immune systems, few were recognizable as members of the Yuuzhan-Vong race. Of these children, Krinikal was the last.
Taller than his counterparts, more muscular but far less sturdy, and awkward of limb, he was subjected to tests that would determine a possible immunity to the plague. This proved fruitless, as a galactic wide immunity to the virus had already developed naturally in most denizens of the galaxy. This sect of Vong were unaware of the fact, having cut themselves off on a live ship a century before.
Regardless, Krinikal was unaffected by the virus, and perceived as the first success. A number of Vong were modified to reflect his particular design - the defective subjects that were yet to be tried were systematically executed to keep the virus from spreading (a virus that would not actually harm anyone on board given their natural immunity) and Krinikal was then subjected to combat tests.
The weaponmasters began with a blaster rifle. The weapon was ancient and faulty, but the Vong believed it would function all the same. During the first test, the rifle's power pack exploded, scarring Krinikal and killing two of his instructors. All training afterword revolved around a form of lightsaber that attached to the warrior's arm. Krinikal quickly rose to fame aboard the ship as an accomplished swordsman, and employed a stealth generator to even the odds against more conventional soldiers.
Shortly after reaching adulthood, his people's ship came under assault by pirates stationed out of Utapau. Outgunned and fitted with ancient technology, even with the assistance of the few coral skippers the Vong had in their possession, the colony was quickly overwhelmed. Most of those aboard were slaughtered, the rest taken as slave. Krinikal escaped the onslaught by sneaking aboard the pirate's ship, and waiting until it came to port.
A failed attempt at freeing his brothers and sister resulted in the majority of the survivors being executed, and Krinikal being put in chains. He transported to Rattatak, and forced to serve as a gladiator in exchange for his life. Freedom came in the form of a sympathetic Rattataki, a force sensitive woman who called herself the Seer. The Seer paid for Krinikal's freedom and spirited him away to her home. There she explained why she had come for the malformed Vong - She'd seen a great threat looming over the galaxy, and could not respond to it alone.
Filling Krinikal's head with promises of doom and destruction, she entrusted the young warrior with the task of preparing the galaxy for this great enemy. Grateful for her help and taken with her power, Krinikal agreed, taking to the stars in hopes of completing his mission. For years, his zeal for this grand objective has only multiplied, and he will use whatever means are necessary to bring the galactic core under one powerful banner.