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Approved NPC KRM - “Merrill's Marauders”

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Pathfinder of the Gate Clans

  • Intent: To flesh out the Kathol Republic military by taking their marine unit and further adding flare based off of Iconic PC from years gone by.
  • Image Credit: StarCraft Marine and Portrait
  • Role: A strike force for the Kathol Republic specialized in space warfare.
  • Links: Canon Link / Canon Link


Kathol Marines are known throughout the Outback as one of the most elite military forces in the sector. The Corps has a proud tradition of training recruits into highly effective fighters, and due to their home cluster's comparative wealth they are better equipped than most of the rag tag militias or defense forces found scattered throughout the deep Territories. The nature of their symbiotic role serving aboard naval starships and space stations also means they are well known, all too often in such a dangerous region they are the face of the Republic.

Merrill's Muraders were based off of the genetics of Jorus Q Merrill a well known commander, pilot and engineer. Each clone in this line exhibits traits of his “gene father” including creativity, flying, and a knack for the Hyperspace navigation. Their skin has a normal tan tone and most have black hair. The unit livery is a white comet within a dark purple field and is usually displayed on the right shoulder of their armor.

  • Unit Size: Small
  • Unit Availability: Uncommon
  • Unit Experience: Veteran
  • Combat Function: Experts in ship to ship and counter-boarding operations, Kathol Republic Marines function as the thin red line that defends a military vessel from enemy incursion. Equally comfortable in an offensive and defensive posture, the Marines serve primarily as a support group for the Republic Navy and are deployed planetside with increasing regularly due to the galactic climate.. While not the best ground based warriors the program offers, Marines of Merrill's Marauders are often used in place of star fighters on smaller ships, on vanguard forces on tactical boarding operations , and other theaters where their respect of life and natural empathy lends itself to such theaters that require aerial and void superiority . The are often fielded on smaller ships as part of the fighter flight operations or in teams of covert infiltrators meant to go into hostile areas by Hyperspace or other covert means.
  • Corsairs: Kathol Marines are trained to fight in space. Whether that means zero-G vacuum, running sweep and clears through labyrinthine corridors, close quarters combat, or whatever else one might expect to come across when boarding an enemy ship or repelling boarders in turn.
  • Born flyers: Merril's Marauder marines are natural flying aces able to use their suits to maximum effiency. Though they do tend to crash when on snow worlds such as hoth...
  • Heavy Ordnance: Marines have little training against heavy armor or artillery, and do not rely on any type of heavy weapons specialists themselves. Due to the nature of shipboard skirmishes, these types of engagements are rare and often do just as much harm to both sides.
  • Grounded: While they Excel in the air they are no more then average when fighting in ground based encounters.
  • So I rewired it: Thanks to their Gene father they are natural tinkerers and will nearly always mess with their gear to improve on it. Adding recycled kit and other options with veering degrees of success.

Since the foundation of the Kathol Republic the Marine Corps has served as protectors of the realm and patrolled the Outback attached to Republic Navy starships. Although nearly a millennium old in its traditions, the Kathol Marines are a fairly recent fighting force in the galaxy. The original marines were only issued blast vests, helmets, and a single blaster pistol each. However as time marched on and more trade routes opened up with the Coreward systems, the quality of their equipment was raised until it is now roughly on par with galactic standards, if a little rustic.

Now each marine is issued a rifle and powersuit for EVA operations, but the Corps still lacks many of the resources other forces in the galaxy take for granted, and so they take great pride in their resourcefulness, ingenuity, and ferocious warrior spirit. Kathol Marines have maintained a longstanding rivalry with the Republican Guard, their home star cluster's systems defense force. Marine units are usually deployed in 'squads' of twenty.

Created to augment smaller ships with "fighter" cover and advanced boarding operations the Marauders have proven to be very adept at viod warfare. Either launching from home base ships or hyperspace jumping into systems there specialized troops have a very unique skill set that when used properly are extremely effective. Clone marines are "born" in Cloning facilities located in Polis Massa. There they grow and are trained by elite retired marines till their batch is ready to join their brothers in the field in the Kathol or anywhere the OPA needs them. Much like the clones of the old republic each is "trained" to be loyal to the republic and the OPA. This does not mean there are never a few rogue clones that develop other ideas, these clones are usually weeded out early in development and ... handled. However they are not set with a self destruct switch, like some other clones either. When they reach a certain age, if they serve for 30 years and well live through it, they are entitled to the same retirement right and benefits of natural born marines. Service = citizenship They may retire with honor and live out the rest of their lives as they see fit.
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