Motoko Saegusa

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Name: Kronadoid
Designation: Sentient
Homeworld: Vorsoka (Destroyed)
Language: Kronadoidain, Basic
Average Lifespan: 200-250 Years
Estimated Population: Only 5,000 at least. Some either within their mobile fleet or others hidden throughout the galaxy.
Average height of adults: 14, 0208 – 1,8288 Meters (Much like with ants some are born physically stronger than others in base form.)
Average length of adults: N/A
Skin color: Green
Hair color: None
Distinctions: Reptilian-like skin and pointed ears. Natural yellow eyes.
Breathes: Type 1 Atmosphere
Ability to shapeshift their forms into anything humanoid
Natural above average strength
Cannot maintain other forms for longer than 2 hours at least
Cannot survive extreme cold climates
Omnivores – They eat mainly meat but can survive on fruit and insects.
Poisonous - Heavy salt based foods can be bad for them; e.g. sauces and deserts
Communication: Verbal
Kronadoids have lost most of their culture with the destruction of their planet. They do, however, have a monarchy rule where one leader is in command of all. The leader is usually chosen because they are the strongest or the most cunning or display some type of strength that sets them above the others; usually through command or sacred right.
Their ability to shapeshift does not develop for them until they've matured after fifteen years. They can shapeshift into a human form only if they've physically sampled the form host's DNA. Usually this requires eating a portion of the subject, though for some they would devour the entire thing, or having a sample of blood or other fluids injected into them. With this mixed into their own physiology they're able to mimic the person's speech patterns and other genetic makeup, however they do not retain the person's memories.
The genders of the Kronadoid's are not specifically male and female. In truth they're something of a momo-gender race. Usually when an infant Kronadoid matures it will mentally identify as 'male' or 'female' but in truth they are able to change at will if they so choose. The reproduction process usually involves whichever of the pair chooses to be the barer of the egg, or eggs, usually identifying as the 'mother' of the family.
The Kronadoid religion is based around a being they call “The Eternal Seeker”, the being that created all in the galaxy and beyond. The belief is that the being had come into existence when the universe itself was created and it traveled all across from world to world and found nothing. Upset that it was the only thing living is began to create new life on every world it could find, both great and small. Kronadoid’s belief had changed to thinking that some species, and some individuals, were more blessed than others because of the Seeker’s divine gifts upon them. As such the Kronadoid’s hold strength in unity as a species as a high virtue.
Currently all are aboard large spaceship carries that ferry them all across the galaxy where they hope to find and claim a world for their own. They consider themselves much like the Seeker, hoping to find the perfect paradise for themselves.
Technology level:
The Kronadoid’s technology is only advanced as far as space travel and cloaking technology but not faster than light capabilities. They have energy based weapons for both blasters and handheld blade-like tools. And recently they’ve experimented in fields of cloning but have not reached anything further than basic animal life.
General behavior:
Due to their history the Kronadoid’s a very hostile and protective. They remain in secret unless provoked or discovered by others. The Turok tend to consider fighting and destroying first before talking anything out but will often consider the advice of the Selekins, since they think of alternatives and ways that could benefit the whole. Usually if a Kronadoid works with anyone, even without their knowledge, it is for their own personal gain or for the sake of the rest of the Kronadoid species. They consider themselves before others.
The Kronadoid’s originated from the planet Vorsoka many centuries ago. It is believed they came from the same system as the Chazarch which is further implied since they too were found and used by the Yuuzhan Vong. While it is unknown if it is true some believe that they were part of the Chazarch race before being selected by the Vong for genetic experiments in order to give them their shapeshifting abilities. This is all theory however as even the Kronadoid’s do not know.
At some point while the Chazarch continued to serve the Vong loyally the Kronadoid’s became more and more rebellious to the point of causing a revolution against their masters. The war itself lasted for ten years as the Kronadoid’s used their abilities to infiltrate the Vong and attempt to destroy them from within. Eventually the Vong had devised ways to indicate a Kronadoid and thus they were fought back to their home world.
Fearing an outbreak like this again the Vong destroyed Vorsoka and all that inhabited it. The remaining Kronadoid’s were forced to flee further beyond the galaxies where for generation after generation they scoured from place to place trying to survive.
During their migration they came across other planets with other species whom they infiltrated to see if they could either negotiate for a home or perhaps conquer the planet for themselves. Either upon being discovered or due to the greater technologies they were forced to move on to other worlds; their people dying off little by little while trying to maintain.
Now after nearly an eternity of traveling the Kroandoid’s have come across the known galaxy where their fleet remains hidden as they search out a place to call home; even if it means taking it by force.
Notable Player-Characters: None
Intent: To create new character types based on the Skrull from Marvel. Introduce a new species and possible threat for some in the galaxy.