(Similar to what Krrt would look like)
NAME: Krrt
FACTION: None, as of yet
RANK: See Faction
SPECIES: Southern Mustafarian
AGE: 29
SEX: Male
HEIGHT: 1.56 meters
WEIGHT: 72 kg
EYES: Yellow
HAIR: No hair
SKIN: Charcoal Grey
FORCE SENSITIVE: Not force sensitive
STRENGTHS AND WEAKNESSES (Required: 2 Weaknesses Minimum) :
Fearless, as living on a lava world and scouring through old ruins requires quite a bit of courage
Muscular: As a stocky Southern Mustafarian, Krrt’s body is used to lifting heavy loads
Greedy, which is quite self-explanatory as a weakness
Nearsighted, as due to living in typically low-light conditions, his eyesight hasn’t evolved to be quite that good
Bulky, which prevents him from moving nimbly, alongside other downsides
Krrt is an insectoid Southern Mustafarian, and thus his body is short yet stocky. His weight is considerable for his size, but a large proportion is muscle mass, rather than fat. He is typically clad in durasteel armor tailored to him, and when he isn’t his eyes are usually obscured by goggles that aid his sight.
Krrt, born on the Planet Mustafar, was originally apprenticed to a metallurgist. However, the rowdy youth yearned to see the stars, and so, upon reaching adulthood, became a stowaway on a trade ship bound towards the planet Nar Shaddaa. On Nar Shaddaa, he worked odd jobs as a bodyguard to various Hutts, until he had saved up enough money to by a starship of his own. At this point, he set off to search the stars as a treasure hunter. By this point in time, he has not acquired much. His main weapon is a triple-barreled break-action slugthrower, which, while a relic of the past, does him well.
Krrt’s vessel is an aged heavy starfighter, equipped with a hyperdrive and three blaster cannons, one on each wingtip. Two wings jut out of the right side of the vessel, forming two right angles with the vessel. The rest of the ship is a straight line on the horizontal axis, ending in a third wing fixed to the ship. Enough room is present in the ship for a bit of habitability, with a bacta tank installed, although Krrt hasn't filled it, due to viewing it as unnecessary.
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None yet
(Similar to what Krrt would look like)
NAME: Krrt
FACTION: None, as of yet
RANK: See Faction
SPECIES: Southern Mustafarian
AGE: 29
SEX: Male
HEIGHT: 1.56 meters
WEIGHT: 72 kg
EYES: Yellow
HAIR: No hair
SKIN: Charcoal Grey
FORCE SENSITIVE: Not force sensitive
STRENGTHS AND WEAKNESSES (Required: 2 Weaknesses Minimum) :
Fearless, as living on a lava world and scouring through old ruins requires quite a bit of courage
Muscular: As a stocky Southern Mustafarian, Krrt’s body is used to lifting heavy loads
Greedy, which is quite self-explanatory as a weakness
Nearsighted, as due to living in typically low-light conditions, his eyesight hasn’t evolved to be quite that good
Bulky, which prevents him from moving nimbly, alongside other downsides
Krrt is an insectoid Southern Mustafarian, and thus his body is short yet stocky. His weight is considerable for his size, but a large proportion is muscle mass, rather than fat. He is typically clad in durasteel armor tailored to him, and when he isn’t his eyes are usually obscured by goggles that aid his sight.
Krrt, born on the Planet Mustafar, was originally apprenticed to a metallurgist. However, the rowdy youth yearned to see the stars, and so, upon reaching adulthood, became a stowaway on a trade ship bound towards the planet Nar Shaddaa. On Nar Shaddaa, he worked odd jobs as a bodyguard to various Hutts, until he had saved up enough money to by a starship of his own. At this point, he set off to search the stars as a treasure hunter. By this point in time, he has not acquired much. His main weapon is a triple-barreled break-action slugthrower, which, while a relic of the past, does him well.
Krrt’s vessel is an aged heavy starfighter, equipped with a hyperdrive and three blaster cannons, one on each wingtip. Two wings jut out of the right side of the vessel, forming two right angles with the vessel. The rest of the ship is a straight line on the horizontal axis, ending in a third wing fixed to the ship. Enough room is present in the ship for a bit of habitability, with a bacta tank installed, although Krrt hasn't filled it, due to viewing it as unnecessary.
None yet
None yet
None yet