The Goddess' Servant

Krueger in his typical liquid apparatus
NAME: Krueger
SPECIES: Levichthen
AGE: 21
SEX: Male (Jaeg)
HEIGHT: 1.4m
WEIGHT: 98kg
EYES: Amber
SKIN: Blue w/ beige underside; dark blue accents
FORCE SENSITIVE: Force-Sensitive
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Krueger is able to manipulate the force to bend light around him, creating a pseudo invisibility.
If he is able to focus on it well, it could easily fool the average non-force user. He developed this ability while living among the deep reefs of Archae Teuthis, fighting for survival.
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Krueger can minimize his presence in the Force, though to a limited degree. With unbroken concentration, he could mislead many Force-users to what he is, though he still detectable. A FU with little to no training may be completely fooled or even miss his presence altogether. Having to avoid detection from some Force-attuned sea creatures on Archae Teuthis, Krueger was able to hone in on this skill slightly, though he requires training to improve it.
Jump (Pounce)
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Channeling the Force, Krueger is able to make great leaps and can easily cover great heights. At this point with his experience, he could jump high enough to reach the second floor of a building. Coming almost naturally to him, Krueger's survival instincts enabled him to learn how to focus using the Force to allow him to make great bounds, which he used to propel himself quickly through the cave of his abode....above water, he is able to use this same focus to enhance his jumping capabilities.
Strong & Strong-Willed - A trait inherited due to his race, Krueger 'gains' a degree of strength when on most planets with standard gravity, coming from a particularly strong one himself. Along with this, due to his experiences growing up, he is very strong-willed and not deterred from much.
Stealthy - Aside from his natural abilities that he had learnt from avoiding creatures that wanted to kill him, Krueger has also picked up some dark-side tricks, whom he believes to be gifted by his Goddess Zweichen. Although he still has yet to refine the ability, he is able to minimize his presence in the Force...enough to fool Force-sensitive creatures or beings with little training. He can also disguise himself from non-force users by cloaking himself in the Force.
Intelligent - Although most Jaeger aren't known for their brains, Krueger has a particularly nasty genius to him. Cunning and tactful, he knows how to get his way and sway others to do work for him.
Waterborne - Another inherited trait of his race, Krueger requires either his liquid apparatus or to be in contact with water every few hours. He also has sensitive eyes that have incredible night vision, but suffer during the daytime without proper protection
Rage - Krueger is prone to lash out irrationally from time to time, even from the smallest provocations. When he enters his rage, he finds it more than difficult to use any abilities he may possess, and can cause him to act without thinking
Picky Eater - Not because he chooses too, but all Levichthen including Krueger have restricted diets, as they are unable to consume red meats or any sort of starches/gluten. As such Krueger requires some sort of fish, though poultry meat is quite fine by him as well.
Range-Inept - Krueger is terribly good with any sort of blade, shiv, or general close quarter weapon. He is not terribly good with blasters at all, and does not actively equip them, having no way to deal with being pinned by ranged fire other than avoiding it.
Krueger is a short Jaeg, who sports a sea-blue complexion, with darker stripes found across his back down to his tail. He has particularly jagged teeth, bright amber eyes, large ear-fins, and like all Jaeger, a large blunt nose. He can often be found wearing fairly light armour; usually just a lightweight torso plate across his chest to allow greater maneuverability. He wears lightweight, minimalistic boots which are not armoured, but mostly serve to protect his soft feet and to dampen the noise he makes when walking. He also sports armoured shoulder-pauldrons, one small, and the other larger and featuring the jaw of one of the sea creatures found on Archae of his first kills when he was but a Jaegvier. He also uses armoured gauntlets with hidden goodies in them.
Krueger is a young adult Jaeg who already has a terrific amount of experience in survival and stealth. As a young Jaegvier, he found himself in quite a dangerous stretch of reef where he made his seasonal home. He consistently found himself dealing with the large creatures that lurk at those depths...either by avoiding them, or by literally fighting for his life. Krueger had made his first big kill when he was just 5, a feat most Jaeger do not accomplish until the are 7 or 8. He of course didn't come out unscathed; parts of Krueger's body are so scarred that it can be hard to differentiate them from the stripes of his skin.
When he first reached full maturity and rose to the surface to spawn, Krueger was already battle-scarred and wealthy in kills for his Goddess. He found it extremely easy to attract Maedchen as mates, and had no trouble in spawning every year. With every year though, Krueger caught glimpses of technology of the outside world, which became more and more interesting to him. Not the technology itself, but it was what it could do to kill that impressed him. Not ignoring an obvious gift from the Goddess, Krueger set off from his homeworld with his eyes set on what the galaxy had to offer him. He quickly found that professional bounty hunting and assassinating was far more satisfying than living in the depths of Archae Teuthis every year. Surely, he thought, that this is what the Goddess wanted him to do, to claim exotic kills in her name...Krueger set out with his intent to kill.
*More to come*
- Vibroblade
- Lightweight armour (chestplate/shoulder-pauldrons/boots)
- Armoured gauntlets:
- ( R ) - Vibrogravityblade (with a certain motion, Krueger can swing out a hidden vibroblade), grappling cable, simple holopad
- ( L ) - Integrated Incinerator Rifle, Fusioncutter
- Liquid Apparatus
- N/A