Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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NAME: Krul-Xob​
FACTION: Hrosha-Gul
SPECIES: Gamorrean
AGE: 33
SEX: Male
HEIGHT: 6'8”
WEIGHT: 290lbs
EYES: Yellow
HAIR: None
SKIN: Green


[+] Smarter than your Average Pig – Krul-Xob is of above average intelligence...for a Gamorrean.

[+] Large and In Charge – The pig is big. The pig is strong. The pig can smash.

[+/-] All Hail the Pig King! - Krul-Xob, although currently shamed is a charismatic Gamorrean, and has no problem swaying the minds and opinions of his fellow porcines, especially given those impressive ham fists. However the preconceptions held about Gamorreans by other species prevents this charisma from being effective in that area.

[-] You Can't Spell Fanatic Without Fantastic – With powerful manipulation at play Krul-Xob has fallen down a path of incredible fanaticism. Becoming completely engrossed in the way of Yun-Amon he has gone so far that sound judgement, sanity and individuality is leaving him.
[-] Lumbering Brute – The pig is big. The pig is unwieldy. The pig has no dexterity.


Krul-Xob was born as Vugg upon the Gamorrean homeworld of Gamorr.​

Born into the jungle terrain he knew of nothing else but cruel humidity and warring clans. The rest of the galaxy was of little concern to their little slice of sweat and slime. There was only the clans, there was only the fight.

As a young boar Vugg was dominant physical presence and with an impressive amount of mortts to boot. Through feats of great brutality and strength he found himself well on his way to the top, marrying the equally impressive Clan Groguunt matron Vourga. This of course meant the ascension to clan Warlord. Very convenient, but if you have the mortts and the matron, then you have it made.

It was here that Vugg's superior intelligence came into play.

It took quite a piece of convincing (brutality) but the new Warlord Vugg managed to convince the Matrons of Clan Groguunt to wage war in a less conventional season. So during the summer season of Wartime they held and defended, focusing upon stockpiling for Coldtime, which was when they marched.

They started by marching upon the fellow jungle clans, and very swiftly absorbed them into Clan Groguunt. The casulties were rather minimal, given that winter in the jungle regions of Gamorr is far less harsh than on the plains or mountains. Rinse and repeat.

Throughout the years the influence of Clan Groguunt spread and eventually became the dominant jungle Clan. Warlord Vugg and Matron Vourga were respected leaders, not just in the undergrowth but upon Gamorr as a whole.

With the rise, comes the fall.

Clan Groguunt was infiltrated, and the proud (and now older) Vugg was unknowingly implanted with a Yuuzhan Vong biot. The decline was slow. It began with a questioning of core Gamorrean beliefs, a doubt in spirits. Of course, at first the boar kept these notions to himself, being that the sentient porcine race weren't so accepting of a change in that status quo.

Whispers began, in his mind and throughout the clan. Yun-Amon. At first nothing clicked, it meant nothing. Doubt began to spread. Warlord Vugg was old. Warlord Vugg was sick. Warlord Vugg was weak. Of course given how much he had done for the Clan it remained as a cloud of discontent.

Between the rumours, a brutal Coldtime and general bad decisions Vugg was eventually challenged, thankfully the older boar was not quite as weak as whispers might have suggested and fists of green ham pounded the heads of any and all upstarts. In the heat of one battle there was a frenzied declaration:


Vugg was not the only victim to such manipulations. Serious conflicts began to arise. The infected Gamorreans stirred discontent, sending boars against boards, sows against sows and Warlords against Matrons. Vugg's mind continued to slip, Gamorrean ideals becoming lost and replaced with that of the Hrosha-Gul. The boiling point came, and in a moment of madness Vugg took up his thogk and struck Vourga in the head, the metal spike killing her instantly.

Killing another Gamorrean with a weapon and not your bare hands is a big no-no, killing the Clan Matron with a weapon instead of your bare hands is a complete and utter violation of Gamorrean culture.

Vugg and the other infected fled into the undergrowth, far from the respected Warlord that he once was.


[member="Maria Zambrano"], Gamorreans need more love.

[member="Astrian Callus"] OINK OINK SMASH


[member="Lee Astaar"], thanks! :)

[member="Mistress Kurah Rrusho"], backwards is the new black. ;)


[member="ALTAIR"], that's adorable. I can't even handle how adorable that is.

Yes, [member="Voroll"]! ALL GLORY TO DA PIG KING!

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