Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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-|| Name: Krenn Vos
-|| Species: Northern Mustafarian
-|| Age: Early 40s
-|| Height: 2.0 m
-|| Weight: 92 kg
-|| Hair Color: Black
-|| Eye Color: Dark red

-|| Character Theme: "Feed the Machine" by Poor Man’s Poison
-|| Alignment: Chaotic Neutral
-|| Tropes: Commerce, Deals, Mining

-|| Biography:
Like lava fleas who hunger for volcanic rock and obsidian, Krynn Vos found himself hungering for a new era on Mustafar. A golden age of brotherhood and solidarity, one where the northern and southern clanholds worked together as one to execute the machinations of his people. He longed for power, control, respect, and fortune. He wanted an empire, and he swore to see it through.​
Krynn Vos' life began in the northern hemisphere of Mustafar, where his subspecies of the insectoid Mustafarian race grew taller, thinner, and smarter. While their stocky cousins to the south toiled in the refineries, the Northern Mustafarians used their intellect to secure lucrative deals with the powers of the Outer Rim Territories - or so they used to. Krynn's youth saw his homeworld undergo many political and economic fluctuations, though none were as impactful as the Sith Order's annexation. Trade restrictions and tariffs made the dream of a trade empire wither away like fleshy beings on brimstone. Most of the planet's clanholds gave in to the Sith's demands. Clanhold Khartag, Nakmor, and Weyrlok became fast partners with the Order's industrial magnates, but there were others who resisted; Krynn's tribe, Clanhold Tuchanka, was chief of these rebellious clans.​
Krynn was raised to distrust the Sith and seek ways to undermine their authority. While the Southern Mustafarian clans sought brute methods of rebellion, often uprising violently only to be crushed by legions of Sith-Imperial troopers, the northern clans used clever loopholes and political pitfalls to exert discordance. Such machinations drew the attention of mighty powers like the Trade Federation and Confederacy, who were all to eager to accept new avenues of trade and production with the growing Clanhold Tuchanka. Krynn was named Clan Emissary, a coveted title reflective of his business acumen and visionary mind.​
He now serves any partner who whishes to work with the clanhold dutifully, building connections and relationships that one day will help restore Mustafar's diplomatic neutrality.​

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