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Approved Tech Krysteel "Kyber Iron"

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Manufacturer: N/A
Type: Material
Market Status: Closed Market
Production: Semi-Unique
Weight: Heavy
Size: Average

  • Exceptional Hardness: Highly durable and resistant to damage.
  • Force Sensitivity: Enhances the abilities of Force-sensitive users.
  • Color-Shifting: Changes color based on the wielder's connection to the Force.
  • Elemental Attunement: Capable of channeling elemental energies.
  • Lightsaber Resilience: Can withstand and counter lightsaber strikes.
  • Unique Composition: Made from the fusion of Kyberite, Kyber crystals, Kaiburr crystals, and Adamantite.
  • Mystical Aura: Exudes a force presence aura.
  • Enhanced Durability: Highly resistant to physical damage, corrosion, and acids.
  • Force Amplification: Increases the power and effectiveness of Force abilities.
  • Energy Reflection: Capable of withstanding and reflecting energy attacks.
  • Adaptive Nature: Adjusts to the wielder's Force connection and elemental proficiency.
  • Complex Forging Process: Difficult and time-consuming to create.
  • Limited Availability: Rare and difficult to obtain in large quantities.
  • Force Dependency: Most effective when used by Force-sensitive individuals.
  • Heavy Weight: Dense composition can make items cumbersome without proper training.

Krysteel, formerly known as Kyber Iron or Kyberite, is a rare and revered material resulting from the fusion of crystal and metallic elements. It possesses unique properties due to its connection to the Force. The combination of Kyberite, Kyber crystals, Kaiburr crystals, and Adamantite gives Krysteel its unique and powerful characteristics, making it highly sought after for crafting items that require exceptional durability and resilience.

Krysteel is used in a legendary traditionalist forging process by a seemingly long-gone Light Side Force group to make their weapons of choice, known as Krysteel Blades or Force-Kissed Blades. The term "Chikara no Kasanaru" (フォース重なる) means "to overlap" or "to coincide," indicating the blending or intertwining of the Force with the material.

Forging Process:

  • Krysteel Furnace: The Krysteel is heated in a specialized furnace fueled by elemental energies, infusing it with the power of the Force.
  • Folded Thousand Times: Similar to traditional folding methods, Krysteel is folded thousands of times during forging to purify it and enhance its Force connection.
  • Layered Forging Technique: Layers of Krysteel are stacked and forge-welded, creating a distinctive pattern while reinforcing the blade's integrity.
  • Force-infused Crafting: Skilled artisans attuned to the Force imbue each strike with precision, channeling the energy into the blade.

Properties of the Force-Kissed Sword:

  • Exceptional Sharpness: Capable of slicing through tough materials with ease.
  • Mystical Aura: Exudes a Force presence aura.
  • Lightsaber Resilience: While not indestructible, the sword can withstand extremely significant force.
  • Force Sensitivity: The wielder must be attuned to the Force for full potential.
  • Color-Shifting Metal: Changes color based on the wielder. Each person will have a specific color attuned to their soul. If someone else draws a Krysteel blade, it will change color to suit the new wielder.
  • Elemental Attunement: Channels elemental attunement based on the wielder's proficiency and skill of focus.

Specialized Force Fighting Style:

In "Elemental Gate Mastery," warriors synchronize breathing and meditation with elemental energies, enhancing combat skills. By mastering this, warriors wielding Krysteel weapons open elemental gates, channeling elemental power through their blades. They become conduits for raw elemental energy, wielding their blades with precision and potency, unleashing devastating attacks that command the elements. Through Elemental Gate Mastery, warriors transcend physical limits, becoming masters of elements on the battlefield.

Out Of Character Info

Intent: To submit a rveared Material from Centerra and Veridia
Image Source(s):
Permissions: N/A

Technical Information

Affiliation: N/A
Model: N/A
Modular: Yes
Material: Adamantite, Kyberite, Kaiburr, Kyber
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T E R R A R I S - C O M M A N D
Factory Judge
Braze Braze

Very cool sub, but I found some contradiction and problems.
  • First, "Extremely durable and resistant to damage." this implies that it has extreme resistance, which means it can only be Semi-Unique or Unique.
  • There is no Manufacturer in the top box to suggest it is a natural material, but you hint in several places in the sub that it is a combination of several materials, i.e. an alloy. Which one is true?
  • In the description you say it is rare, yet you write Mass-Production, even though the entire sub reflects that it is a Semi-Unique material.
  • Also, there is a problem with this one, "Damascus Technique", I would like to ask you to remove the word Damascus from the sub, because you cannot refer to a technique that is related to our reality, since Syria as a capital does not exist in SW. "Layered Technique" or something similar will be perfect.
Braze Braze

Very cool sub, but I found some contradiction and problems.
  • First, "Extremely durable and resistant to damage." this implies that it has extreme resistance, which means it can only be Semi-Unique or Unique.
  • There is no Manufacturer in the top box to suggest it is a natural material, but you hint in several places in the sub that it is a combination of several materials, i.e. an alloy. Which one is true?
  • In the description you say it is rare, yet you write Mass-Production, even though the entire sub reflects that it is a Semi-Unique material.
  • Also, there is a problem with this one, "Damascus Technique", I would like to ask you to remove the word Damascus from the sub, because you cannot refer to a technique that is related to our reality, since Syria as a capital does not exist in SW. "Layered Technique" or something similar will be perfect.

Thank you for your feedback. Here are the changes and clarifications:

- The production level has been adjusted to Semi-Unique to reflect its durability. Initially, I considered Mass Production due to the material being found in large quantities within veins, similar to opal. You can read more the Alloy thing : Here. However, given its rarity and unique formation process, Semi-Unique is perhaps more appropriate. I think the terms "rare" and "mass-produced" are more about perspective here. For example, diamonds are considered rare and valuable, but the carbon they are made from is abundant.

- Regarding the origin of the material: It is a naturally occurring substance, formed through natural processes, much like opal. However, it can also be synthesized similarly to alloy production. This dual nature is why I initially struggled with categorization, but I've clarified that it is primarily a naturally occurring material.

I've updated the wording to "Highly durable and resistant to damage."

Regarding the term "Damascus Technique," I am using it to describe the specific forging process and methodology rather than to reference the real-world location. The term helps readers understand the layered technique used here. Additionally, I've found that the word exists in the Star Wars lore as per the surname this reference, so I believe it can be justified. I have detailed the meaning behind the term to avoid it being seen as just "short hand."

To align with the guidelines, I have changed the terminology to "Layered Forging Technique."
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