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Approved NPC Kryze Ecological Assessment Team

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  • Intent: To formalize a group / role Kryze have been providing to Mandalore
  • ​Image Credit: N/A
  • Role: Ecological Experts
  • Links: N/A
  • Group Name: Kryze Ecological Assessment Team
  • Classification: Ecological Engineers
  • Headquarters: Mandalore
  • Loyalties: Kryze Inc
  • Group Sigil: The stylized Kryze Owl over an image of a stylized tree with a bird roosting in it.
  • Description: Born in the fires of the latest destruction of Mandalore, the Kryze Ecological Assessment Team (KEAT) is a mundane name for a more extraordinary group, made up of terraforming and ecological experts brought together or trained by the clan to help sustain and repair Mandalore, they have branched out into galactic business in order to fund the battle for their planet.

  • Hierarchy: Mandalorian psuedo-military hierarchy, very fluid, with only really three ranks: verd (warrior), ver'alor (lieutenant) and al'verde (commander).
  • Membership: Membership of any rank higher than verd is exclusive to Clan Kryze via adoption or marriage, however specialists - even non-Mandalorians, are employed frequently and are kept at the lowest 'rank' - however the group has an exceptionally fluid structure and a skilled verd can easily lead entire planetary restoration teams.
  • Dogma/Doctrines: The KEAT has a near religious worship of planetary ecology and are strict enivronmentalists with a destain that borders on hatred for those who would disrupt or destroy them. Mostly Mandalorian, they take the warrior extreme of the Mandaloiran culture in a radical direction - they're not eco-terrorists, they see themselves as warriors in the front line of the greatest battle ever: to preserve planetary ecologies.
  • Curios: None are universal, but the habit of taking 'trophy' planets (and occasional small pets) from successful operations has begun to creep in.
  • Goals: Long term, they likely seek to ally with groups like the Ithorians or the Neti, with the aim of assisting in restoring life to planets destroyed by fire and conquest.

Allaria Kryze (NPC) Al'verde

Created by Allaria Kryze in association with Katara and Shia Kryze upon the families return to Mandalore and the first witnessing of the destruction of the planet. Clan Kryze had always been hunters for many of their nomad years, and it was a short leap from those skills to ecological preservation - they were respectful hunters who valued the continued existance of their game and their beliefs naturally dove-tailed. They laboured for many months to catelogue and preserve species big and small, seeking off-world assistance from experts who soon became integral to the group (and several of whom are now Kryze by marriage) but ultimate their battle is in many ways futile without funding - so they combined with House Kryze Inc when the family funds were converted into corporate cash, and now train and work off-world in addition to their Mandalorian business, seeking an income to preserve their home.
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