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Approved Ranged Weapon KSMG-7 - Kainate Submachine Gun Model 7

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Manufacturer: First United Astral Engineering
Market Status: Closed Market
Production: Minor
Weight: Average
Size: Average
  • Manufacturer:
  • Affiliation:
  • Market Status: Closed-Market
  • Model: KSMG-7 - Kainate Submachine Gun Model 7
  • Modularity: Yes
    • Can link to virtually any electronics, sensor suite, HUD, artificial intelligence, or targeting system
    • Frame may be coated or electroplated with various materials
    • Settings and Programming Alterations
    • Aesthetic Modifications
    • Various Barrel Attachments
    • Systems may be stripped as needed or desired
    • Optic and underbarrel rail interfaces may accommodate a number of attachments
  • Production: Minor
  • Material:
  • Classification: Slugthrower SMG - Dual Stage Linear Motor Rail Gun
  • Size: Average
  • Weight: Average
  • Muzzle Velocity: 2.1 km/s
  • Ammunition Type: 7.62x25mm
  • Ammunition Capacity: Average - 32 Round Box Magazine or 50 Round Drum Magazine
  • Effective Range: Average - 300 m
  • Rate of Fire: Selective Fire
  • Damage Output: Very High
  • Recoil: High
  • Data and Information Security
  • Combat Electronics
  • Control Systems
    • Modular Direct Interface System - Neural Interface, Motion Interface, Mind-Machine Interface, Droid Interface, and Technopathic Link Compatibility
      • Secondary Blink and Voice Command Functionality
    • Firing Modes
      • Full Automatic
      • Burst - 4 or 2 Rounds
    • Power Modes
      • Inactive Single Stage - Chemical Only
      • Active Dual Stage - Hybrid Chemical-Linear Motor
  • Power and Discharge Systems
  • Utility and Safety Systems
  • Special Ammunition
    • CryoBan - Loaded with a payload of condensed CryoBan in the core of a durasteel-jacketed bullet, the CryoBan round is designed to unleash its payload of heat-absorbing gas upon impact, dealing damage not just through raw kinetic force, but also via deep, gruesome cold injuries which may inflict lethal levels of frostbite, nerve damage, and other cold exposure effects. Said cold effects have an effective five meter kill radius.
    • Ionite Anti-Shield - Intended to engage targets protected by energy shields, the ionite anti-shield round has a standard durasteel-jacketed, lead core bullet coated with a layer of ionite.
    • Iadrium - Utilizes Iadrium in its solid form, which fills the hollowed-out core of a durasteel-jacketed bullet. A mass-reactive primer detonates the explosive via a very short fuse, so that the bullet might punch through armor or cover prior to detonating. The corresponding explosion has a one meter kill radius.
  • Kinetic Train - The KSMG-7 manifests a very high damage potential when discharged on the active power mode, which uses both chemical propulsion and linear motor rails to accelerate the projectile to hypersonic velocity. This extreme velocity imparts the handgun caliber-sized projectile with kinetic force roughly equivalent to that of a light anti-materiel projectile, giving the weapon a very high chance to penetrate heavy personal and light vehicle-grade armor.
  • Redundancy - In the event that its electrical systems are disabled, the KSMG-7 will still be capable of firing (albeit with considerably reduced damage potential) as it can discharge slugs solely via chemical propulsion.
  • Surgical - While it lacks the range to be a sniper platform, the KSMG-7 is very accurate and precise within its effective firing range.
  • While the KSMG-7 is average-sized for a weapon of its class, it is lighter and more maneuverable than a rifle. Thus, it is an ideal weapon for the shooter who needs to engage targets in a quick and snappy manner, while remaining light on their feet.
  • Ammunition Weight - Pound for pound, energy weapons are generally more efficient than slugthrowers. While the KSMG-7 is a submachine gun, it is still no exception to this rule as handgun-caliber slug magazines are larger and heavier than blaster pistol-grade power cells, limiting how many can be carried at a time.
  • Mechanical Mutation - Like any piece of technology, the KSMG-7 is susceptible to Mechu-deru and other technology-twisting powers if left unprotected. A talented practitioner of such esoteric sorceries could induce a jam or some other mechanical failure that might compromise the weapon entirely or demand precious time to fix, leaving the shooter vulnerable.
  • Recoil - While the KSMG-7 can punch above its weight, it also has a high recoil, demanding a strong, experienced shooter to maintain control of it. Otherwise, the weapon might kick out of an untrained user’s hands, presenting a potential hazard whether on the range or the battlefield.
Easily filling the niche of a special purpose kinetic SMG within the Kainate small arms armory, the KSMG-7 is a slugthrower SMG that is capable of punching far above its own weight and caliber. While slug weapons are often viewed as unconventional in a modern battlespace where energy weapons reign supreme, the KSMG-7 holds its own due to its automatic fire rate, excellent stopping power, and compact frame. In terms of its damage potential, the weapon fires an 85 grain (special or non-standard rounds only vary negligibly from this mass) projectile at 2.1 km/s, giving it a muzzle energy akin to an light anti-materiel round—12 kilojoules. With this, the weapon is ideal for engaging heavy power armor-clad infantry and light vehicles. Even in the event that penetration fails, the projectile can impart blunt kinetic force on impact, generating concussive waves of overpressure that can shatter bones and rupture organs.

Still, the KSMG-7 has limitations that weigh consideration. Most notably, the weapon has a high recoil, demanding a strong, skilled shooter. Its handgun-caliber magazines are larger and heavier than comparative blaster pistol-scale power scales, limiting how many can be carried. Finally, while the weapon fires its projectile at hypersonic speeds, the effective range is limited by poor accuracy past 300 meters.

Nevertheless, the KSMG-7 is hoped to represent an exciting addition to the Kainate small arms inventory, bolstering the soldiers and fighters of the Sith with a weapon option that is just as mobile as it is deadly.

Out Of Character Info

Intent: Whip up an SMG for Sith troopers!
Permissions: See Body

Technical Information

Affiliation: The Kainate, The Sith Order
Model: KSMG-7 - Kainate Submachine Gun Model 7
Modular: Yes
Effective Range: Average
Rate of Fire: Selective Fire
Material: Titanium-Durasteel Alloy Receiver, Chronium-Dallorian Alloy Barrel Lining, Agrinium Shielding, Polycarbonate, Rubber, Faraday Cage Mesh Construction, Anti-Corr 113 Treatment, Protective Liquid Coating Treatment, CryoBan Coolant
Ammunition Type: Slugs
Ammunition Capacity: Average
Damage Output: Very High
Recoil: High
Ranged Class: Submachine Gun
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