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Approved Ranged Weapon KSR-10X - Kainate Sniper Rifle Model 10 Prototype

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Manufacturer: First United Astral Engineering
Market Status: Closed Market
Production: Semi-Unique
Weight: Heavy
Size: Very Large
  • Manufacturer:
  • Affiliation:
  • Market Status: Closed-Market
  • Model: KSR-10X - Kainate Sniper Rifle Model 10 Prototype
  • Modularity: Yes
    • Can link to virtually any electronics, sensor suite, HUD, artificial intelligence, or targeting system
    • Frame may be coated or electroplated with various materials
    • Settings and Programming Alterations
    • Aesthetic Modifications
    • Systems may be stripped as needed or desired
    • Optic interface may accommodate a number of attachments
  • Production: Semi-Unique
  • Material:
  • Data and Information Security
  • Combat Electronics
  • Control Systems
    • Modular Direct Interface System - Neural Interface, Motion Interface, Mind-Machine Interface, Droid Interface, and Technopathic Link Compatibility
      • Secondary Blink and Voice Commands Functionality
    • Power Modes
      • Inactive Single Stage - Chemical Only
      • Active Dual Stage - Hybrid Chemical-Linear Motor
        • Adjustable Power Settings
  • Power and Discharge Systems
  • Utility and Safety Systems
  • Special Ammunition
    • Seismic - Dealing damage in much the same fashion of a traditional seismic charge, albeit significantly downscaled, the seismic round utilizes a mixture of baradium and collapsium gas in the core of a durasteel-jacketed bullet that generates an explosive shockwave upon impact. In this, it creates an implosive effect, followed immediately by an explosive charge that has the potential to rip targets inside and out to gruesome effect, out to an effective five meter kill radius.
    • CryoBan - Loaded with a payload of condensed CryoBan in the core of a durasteel-jacketed bullet, the CryoBan round is designed to unleash its payload of heat-absorbing gas upon impact, dealing damage not just through raw kinetic force, but also via deep, gruesome cold injuries which may inflict lethal levels of frostbite, nerve damage, and other cold exposure effects. Said cold effects have an effective five meter kill radius.
    • Beskar-Neuranium APFSDS - Intended to engage targets protected by heavy armor composed of exotic materials, the round uses a beskar-neuranium penetrator, designed to ensure penetration against armor made of beskar and other similarly-resilient materials.
    • Ionite Anti-Shield - Intended to engage targets protected by energy shields, the ionite anti-shield round has a standard durasteel-jacketed, lead core bullet coated with a layer of ionite.
  • Kinetic Train - The KSR-10X manifests a very high damage potential when discharged on the active power mode, which uses both chemical propulsion and linear motor rails to accelerate the projectile to hypersonic velocity. This extreme velocity imparts the anti-materiel-grade bullet with kinetic force roughly equivalent to that of a large-caliber projectile fired from an autocannon.
  • Bombardment - The payload rounds on offer for the rifle, including the CryoBan, seismic, explosive, incendiary, acid, and thumper rounds have a five-meter kill radius. Thus, with these rounds, the sniper can use the weapon to bombard targets from afar, retaining lethality without the need for pinpoint accuracy.
  • Redundancy - In the event that its electrical systems are disabled, the KSR-10X will still be capable of firing (albeit with considerably reduced damage potential) as it can discharge slugs solely via chemical propulsion.
  • Silence is Violence - Owing to its integrated silencer, the KSR-10X is virtually soundless at the point of the shooter.
  • Sniper Surgery - The KSR-10X has an extreme range even by the standards of sniper weapons. The linear motor and the long barrel both function to significantly improve the muzzle velocity and give the weapon pinpoint accuracy and precision out to its furthest range increment.
  • Slow Draw - The KSR-10X is a very large, heavy weapon. Accordingly, it is not practical for use in close-quarters and most unaugmented human users will find it nigh-impossible to fire while standing. In a quickdraw contest between two shooters of equal strength, speed, and skill, with one wielding the KSR-10X and the other a basic slugthrower rifle, the shooter wielding the slugthrower rifle will win quite handily. Not to mention, the shooter wielding the slugthrower rifle will be able to move faster than the other.
  • Ammunition Weight - Pound for pound, energy weapons are generally more efficient than slugthrowers. Unfortunately, the KSR-10X is no exception to this. Magazines are larger and heavier than power cells, limiting how many can be carried at a time.
  • Mechanical Mutation - Like any piece of technology, the KSR-10X is susceptible to Mechu-deru and other technology-twisting powers if left unprotected. A talented practitioner of such esoteric sorceries could induce a jam or some other mechanical failure that might compromise the weapon entirely or demand precious time to fix, leaving the shooter vulnerable.
  • Overpenetration - If the KSR-10X used on the full power dual stage mode against unarmored man-sized targets, overpenetration is a risk, wherein the projectile might fail to release all of its energy on a given target. In such an event unintended collateral damage might result.
A prototype design, the KSR-10X is an experimental anti-materiel sniper weapon that fills a niche in the Kainate armory as a special purpose kinetic rifle. In this, the KSR-10X classes neatly as an extreme range precision weapon system. It very easily competes with similarly-sized blaster or laser weapons in terms of damage potential, often exceeding such options. Like most slugthrowers, the KSR-10X primarily deals damage through kinetic force and penetration (though other ammunition options can expand this). The weapon fires a 700 grain projectile at 2.5 km/s, giving it a muzzle energy akin to an autocannon—142 kilojoules. As such, the weapon can engage armored vehicles and even low-flying starfighters with excellent efficacy. However, it should be noted that other ammunition types from the standard full metal jacket round may increase or decrease the projectile’s weight, but only to a very slight, almost negligible degree.

However, for all of its damage potential, modularity, and extreme range, the KSR-10X comes with its own challenges and considerations. For one, the weapon is large, heavy, and generally unwieldy. It is not a quickdraw weapon and most users will find it impractical to use in close quarters. In addition, when used on the full power active dual stage mode, overpenetration can be a concern, risking unintended collateral damage. Finally, like most slugthrowers, its magazines are heavier than power cells and take up more space, limiting how many can be carried.

Perhaps most significantly, the KSR-10X was never able to be scaled up. Thus, it remains as an exclusive weapon system, issued to only the most elite Kainate and Sith Order snipers. Nevertheless, the KSR-10X remains a potent platform, marking it out as a potential force multiplier if placed in the hands of a talented sharpshooter.

Out Of Character Info

Intent: Create a prototype sniper rifle for the Kainate.
Permissions: N/A

Technical Information

Affiliation: The Kainate, The Sith Order
Model: KSR-10X - Kainate Sniper Rifle Model 10 Prototype
Modular: Yes
Effective Range: Extreme
Rate of Fire: Semi-Automatic
Material: Titanium-Durasteel Alloy Receiver, Chromium-Dallorian Alloy Barrel Lining, Agrinium Shielding, Polycarbonate, Rubber, Faraday Cage Mesh Construction, Anti-Corr 113 Treatment, CryoBan Coolant
Ammunition Type: Slugs
Ammunition Capacity: Very Small
Damage Output: Extreme
Recoil: Very Low
Ranged Class: Sniper Rifle
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