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Approved Armor "Ktinos" - Heavy Combat Armor for Jack Sandrow

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Manufacturer: Joint craft between Sylvia Praesidia and Sylvia Arma
Market Status: Closed Market
Production: Unique
Weight: Extreme

Jack Sandrow

Writer, Character, Invasive Species

[/ISPOILER]Image is from Naito Kanbayashi on ArtStation[/ISPOILER]

Jack's armor to date has been about survivability, both by hiding and by regenerating. The 'Ktinos' was crafted to put all the eggs in a single basket. A walking smorgasbord of Sylva Vitae biotech, the armor is studded with various plates, vines, biocomputers, and regenerative blisters. Various weaponry is stowed both externally and internally, as the living biosuit works in tandem with its wearer to carve a swath on any battlefield. With a seemingly endless store of regenerative fluids, it is a self-healing juggernaut of plant and fungal matter.

Unwilling (and somewhat unable) to adhere to classic armor design constraints, Jack has designed this armor around the regenerative powers of his proprietary biotech. As a result, it is larger, heavier, broader, and far more unearthly than traditional designs. At first glance, it is unwieldy and awkward, top-heavy and stumbling, but there is a hidden grace in its movements. Each 'foot' has four legs of their own, allowing for quick stabilization in combat and increased dexterity in its movement. The oversize pauldrons are each designed to be both gargantuan reservoirs of regenerative fluids and also weapon storage in their own right. Loaded for bear with both Chyme and Noxii, in extreme circumstances they can form a rapid close-range spray of sludge to clear the immediate surroundings. Each gauntlet is oversized and loaded for bear as well; packed with a broad variety of partially-assembled Sylva Arma rounds, the rounds are assembled as they are fired out of weaponry either built into the gauntlets themselves or out of weaponry held by the user.

Additionally, Force-based thrusters (which are used for massively increased mobility on lighter armor types) are also built into the suit, but this is only for the purpose to assist in rapid emergency movement. The 'Ktinos' is a slow tanky brute of an armor.

  • Bristling with various biotech weaponry:
    • Noxii fluid (3 reservoirs, 2 in pauldrons, 1 along the back)
    • Acaleph launchers (2 total, 1 in each gauntlet)
    • Falx bracers (4 total, 2 in each gauntlet)
    • Buloke cannon (1 total, built into the right pauldron)
    • Ekballo mortar (1 total, built into the left pauldron)
    • Sapper slugs
    • Solis particle cannon - vacuum/space only! - (1 total, built into the back armor)
  • Built-in Force-based thrusters, as used in alternate armor.
  • Partial invisibility to standard sensors and detection equipment, thanks to entirely organic design
  • Rapid regeneration of damaged matter thanks to built-in storage of regenerative Sylva Vitae biomatter; based on the 'Regenetech' heavy armor type but adjusted and enhanced for personal use
  • 'Overclocking' allows it to be almost a second skin for Jack, channeling his powers and abilities stronger than he could alone.
  • Fully designed for all environments, it can even withstand combat in space or in a vacuum for a limited amount of time.
  • Resistances across the board are extremely high, thanks to its regenerative capabilities
    • *This comes with a caveat - while it can quickly regenerate from most damage, it still requires time to regenerate.
    • *At any one time, its overall resistance can be assumed as 'Very High'; the increased auto-healing increases this protection to Extreme (except against Lightsabers).
    • *Full regeneration takes a set time:
      • 90% integrity - 5 seconds
      • 75% integrity - 30 seconds
      • 50% integrity - 1 minute
      • 25% integrity or less - 15 minutes
  • High modularity, thanks to its inherent compatibility with SV biotech
  • Force-assisted maneuvering makes the 'apparent' weight of this massive suit of armor comparable to its contemporaries. It doesn't provide the immense maneuvering capabilities of lighter SV armor, but does provide a quick boost in an emergency.
  • 'Overclocking' allows the armor to momentarily be tougher, faster, hit harder, and regenerate faster.
  • Adapted for all atmosphere types (Type I through IV)
  • Thanks to its entirely organic construction, it is difficult to detect with standard equipment.
  • Loaded for bear, it is capable of outputting a withering assault of biotech weaponry, adapted for all ranges of combat and against most enemy types.
  • As with most SV creations, this armor is weak to lightsabers.
  • Also as with most SV creations, this armor is Force-awakened. If the Force link is cut off, this armor will 'deactivate'.
  • In addition, as it is plant material, its durability is limited. Enough focused firepower can overwhelm, even with the armor specifically built to withstand incoming fire. This is frontline armor, but not invincible.
  • While it is capable of regeneration, this is not an unlimited resource. It requires replanting regularly, or recharging via Plem cell stimulant packs.
  • This armor is extremely heavy. While it is capable of maneuverability befitting that of a lighter suit of armor, it is still extremely weighty, and if unpowered, will be basically immobile.
  • While it is able to avoid most standard detection techniques, it is not invisible at all. It is a big, heavy, chunky, Force-exuding carapace, and it is easy enough to see with the right equipment.
  • Can only be worn and used by Jack Sandrow; the armor's biotech is custom-designed for him and him alone.

Out Of Character Info

Intent: To create a massive suit of armor that is overtly combat-oriented, for Jack Sandrow
Image Source(s):
Canon Link: N/A
Permissions: N/A
Primary Source(s):

Based on semi-archaic battle technology;

Technical Information

Affiliation: Jack Sandrow
Model: "Ktinos" - Series: SPSV-J4.1.2.00004
Modular: Yes
Material: Hardened plant fibers, durable fungi mycelium, rapidly-regenerating plant material, various Plant Surged flora, Plem cells
Classification: Multipurpose
Defense Rating: Extreme
Energy Resist: Extreme
Kinetic Resist: Extreme
Sonic Resist: High
Thermal Resist: High
Radiation Resist: High
Other Resistance(s):

Lightsabers: Very Low

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