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Character Kuhbee - Jedi Padawan (WIP)


Full NameKuhbee
AffiliationsNew Jedi Order
RankJedi Padawan
Language SpokenShyriiwook
Langue UnderstoodMultiple
Force SensitiveYes
Fur ColorBrown and Light Tan
Eye ColorBrown
Skin ColorPale Under Fur
Distinctive featuresMultiple Burn Scars Where Fur Won't Grow Back

Kuhbee is a Jedi Padawan serving in the New Jedi Order. He is a fresh Wookie youngling who just earned the rank of padawan and is eager to prove his skills as a Jeid.

Kuhbee was born on the forest world of Kashyyyk to loving parents and a loving village of fellow Wookies. As a young infant he displayed Force sensitivity, which is extremely rare in Wookies. His parents and his village held a meeting to discuss what was the best path for the younglings future and decided he should be sent to the Jedi to learn the ways of the Force and hone his rare gift. While the Silver Jedi Order had ties to the area, they were not as prominent in the galaxy as they had once been so the Wookie elders decided to send Kuhbee to the New Jedi Order. An envoy was dispensed to take the youngling to his new home. Kuhbee was nervous to leave his family and his village but excited about what the future might hold. He knew how rare it was for his species to feel a connection to the Force and knew that it would bring great honor to his people if he trained in the ways of a Jedi.

The trip to Coruscant was ended early when slavers attacked the Wookie ship. Those aboard were captured and sold to the highest bidders. Kuhbee was taken to to Florrum to perform in a traveling circus and help control the large animals in the act. This period in his life was miserable as his captors were abusive and tried to use Kuhbee to abuse the large animals in the circus. When Kuhbee disobeyed orders he was burned by his masters, leaving scars on his body where furr would never grow again.

After his rescue from the hellish circus Kuhbee traveled to the New Jedi Order to prove himself and continue the path his people had set forth for him. He learned among other younglings in the Order until he was accepted as a padawan learner.

+Intellegence - Very intelligent and a quick learner

+Piloting- A skilled flyer and mechanic

+Force Sensitivity- Can utilize the Force

+Strength - Wookies are very strong

+Agility - Years of circus training made him nimble and flexible

+Insulated - Does well in cold climates due to fur

-Quick to Anger - Wookies have a short temper

-Pyrophobia - Fire was used to control him for so long that he's now terrified of flame

-Language - He can not speak Basic even if he understands it, so that makes communicating difficult


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