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Character Kumpam Qichem

Rocco Morsheru



K U M P A M - Q I C H E M

  • Faction: Independent
    Rank: Jedi Martial Artist | Fifth Ascent Master
    Species: Bereth-Aku
    Age: 100 years old
    Sex: Male
    Height: 5'0 tall
    Weight 2,016 lbs2
    Eyes: Orange
    Hair: None
    Skin: Light Green
    Force Sensitive: Yes

    Appearance: Small, Muscular and Athletic. Kumpam Qichen is a large Bereth-Aku with broad shoulders that can carry heavy objects. Weighting 2,016 pounds allow him to match even the strongest of creatures in a hand to hand confrontation. His mouth is filled with soft but sturdy teeth that allow him to consume plants and small animals. His shell has been reinforced to allow him protection from a majority of attacks, although it can still be penetrated with enough force. His eyes are orange which match his orange tattoos which cover his skin. Typically seen wearing a large armored shell with orange robes, and holding within his hand a large staff.


  • S T R E N G T H
    • Martial Artist
    • Experienced Combatant
    • Experienced Jedi

    N E U T R A L
    • Reserved
    • Observant
    • Idiosyncratic

    W E A K N E S S
    • Small Size
    • Slow Speed
    • Breakable Shell

  • Kumpam Qichem was born within the Kothol Outbacks to a single mother. Originally just a small Bereth-Aku compared to his mother, he would grow up within her care until he was spotted for training by the New Jedi Order. Taken to a recently opened Jedi Praxeum for training, the young bereth-aku would show promise using the force. Although due to his slow speed he was unable to refine his techniques within their care. Trained underneath Jedi Master Quasar Somek, a quarren from Mon Cala for a considerable number of years. Although having passed his trail for knighthood. The wandering ways of the Bereth-Aku called to him and he set out. Saying farewell to his master, he would leave the praxeum for the first time on his own.

    Venturing to the planet of Lóng Xīngzuò to begin training underneath the Ru Xixu Order of Monks. Harnessing the power of the force and combing it into martial arts. Although being a knight in skill level due to his lack of advancement, Kumpam would establish himself as a master martial artist. Spending a considerable long time among them until the age of 70. Nearing the apex of his life-time he would say farewell to the monks of the order. Beginning to travel among the stars helping those in need and stopping criminals to protect the natural balance. He considers himself a grey jedi who sees both sides of the force and knows that they cannot exist without each other.

    Kumpam has established himself a reputation among local populaces as a wandering traveler which helps them in their time of need. Although he soon vanishes into the night without a trace. He carries himself as a wise master, establishing a martial arts school on Lóng Xīngzuò to preserve the dying arts of the Ru Xixu. Having taken upon himself the task of learning all the martial arts within the galaxy. He disfavors the traditional weapon of the jedi in favor of a long staff which he imbues with the force to allow it to stand up to lightsaber attacks.

    Leaving his school in the hands of capable masters, Kumpam would set off once again to explore the galaxy as a wandering stranger.


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