Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Kung Seilois

Kung Seilois

Freelancer Extraordinaire
"My loyalty cannot be bought... But it can be rented at a very reasonable price."


NAME: Kung Seilois
FACTION: None. He prefers the term, 'Freelancer'.
RANK: No official rank to speak of. He dabbles in various less then reputable activities, but he avoids affiliating, permanently, with upstanding, or notorious, groups.

"Job security is always in question, but the pay is better at competitive prices."

AGE: 32
SEX: Male
HEIGHT: 6'3 (190.5 cm)
WEIGHT: 237 lbs (107.5 kg)
EYES: Hazel
HAIR: Brown
SKIN: Olive



+ Amoral: Seilois simply doesn't care about 'right' or 'wrong'. While he does have some limits to his actions, he is not going to randomly shoot a man for stepping on his shoe, but he does not see anything wrong with shooting said man for stepping on his shoe. He doesn't preform the action despite not seeing it as a negative action because there are negative repercussions and very few, if any, positive outcomes. While the difference may seem small; it is a difference none the less. Right and wrong are concepts made by people who can afford to live in a nice little home and have a warm meal every night, he does not have such a luxury. He kills, steals, kidnaps, tortures, and does what he must to earn a stack of credits that will provide the same luxuries others enjoy.

+ Loyal: As he says himself, his loyalty can be rented. The second he signs a contract or agrees to a job; his loyalty is guaranteed. So long as the credits keep coming his way; he is your man. The second the funds stop coming or a contract ends with no new contract in sight, his loyalty evaporates. He will not sell out information on former employers as that is just bad business. He rarely, if ever, does things without expecting a reward in some shape or form, preferably something he can spend.

+ Gunfighter: Seilois is a very skilled ranged fighter with a preference to explosives, pistols, and sniper rifles. He does not use a lot of fancy tricks that the Mandalorians like to hide behind, jet-packs, wire cables... they are a waste of time and credits. Efficiency is the name of the game. Grenades, a good blaster pistol, some wrist blasters, and a powerful slugthrowing sniper rifle is all a well trained man needs to earn some credits in the Galaxy. Anything else is someone else playing at war.

+ Adaptability: Seilois is very methodical in his contracts and jobs usually studying the target and the best way to complete his objective, but despite his methodical practices; Seilois is very good at adapting to new situations as his line of work demands it if someone wants to make a name for themselves outside of what they carve on their gravestone.

- Paranoia: Seilois is a very paranoid individual constantly on the look out for signs of betrayal in his employers, associates, and temporary companions. While this paranoia has saved his life; it does make lasting relations difficult, if not impossible, as if someone looks for something enough; they will find it even if it doesn't exist.

- Talk with your fist: Seilois loves a good fist fight. While he is not much of a swordsmen, never has held a blade longer then seven inches in his life; his life has had numerous close encounters of the brawling kind. He loves a good cantina fight, and it is a very good way to earn his respect even should his opponent lose or crush him. He will engage in a brawl if the other person suggest it and is even willing to disarm to make the fight 'fair'. It is one of the few 'honorable' things he does. Only extreme sums of money will stay his need for up close and personal violence.

- Greedy Son of a Hutt: Greed is a powerful motivator, but it often blinds Seilois to danger. While he will not back out of a contract, or betray a contract unless under incredible circumstance, he is very easy to manipulate when someone waves a handful of credits in his face. He is also very frugal and will spend hours haggling in order to save a few credits. He has an instant distrust in people who do not haggle and give in to his demands too easily. It usually means they aren't going to pay, are going to betray him, or worst of all; he could have gotten more credits for the job.

- Techno challenged: Technology has always been beyond the grasp of Seilois as it is something he was never exposed to as a child and has yet to adapt to. While reading a datapad is well within his power, asking him to hack a console is going to be met with a stare and maybe a few whacks, literally, at said console hoping to beat it into submission. He is easily impressed with the techno-knowhow of others and will often seek a temporary partnership with those that understand how to make machines talk.


Outside of his suit, Seilois is remarkably... unremarkable, something he is quite proud of as being handsome or hideous would attract more attention then he desires. Inside his suit he is Seilois, Freelancer; outside his suit, he is a nobody that can go grocery shopping. He is well built as he spends large amounts of his down time training his body as he needs it to be in top shape if he is too live to enjoy the credits he earns in jobs; his body is littered in numerous small scars ranging from small cuts, blaster burns, a large series of whip scars lining his back making it appear more as ground up meat then flesh, and small injection holes held open by tiny metal rings above his blood veins where a needle could easily find perch along his left wrist. His face is still in one piece as his helmet did it's job on numerous occasions, but the bridge of his nose is slightly off center from being broken one too many times, and he has one large scar running down his left brow.

His dull brown hair is always cropped short to his head to ensure it does not get in his eyes or his face distracting him in a fight. His teeth are straight and white, but he is missing a few molars in the back of his mouth as good breath never hurts in negotiations even if his helmet does have a respirator. His strong jaw is usually covered in stubble as shaving is fairly low on his priorities since he doesn't usually let employers see his face anyways. Remarkably unremarkable, the only thing worthy of mention about him is his bright hazel eyes that are the one truly attractive feature of his face.


"My past was boring and uneventful."

Seilois was born in the Nar Shadda Red Light District to a fairly unattractive, spice addicted prostitute by the name of Talim who he never met besides those few seconds when he entered the world as he was taken away by a gang-affiliated doctor who provided 'protection' of Talim and many of her fellow 'Ladies of the Night'. It was no great tragedy as Seilois was not the first child to be taken away from their mothers, nor was he even Talim's only child. If anything, it was necessary as Talim was more then willing to give him up to the life that awaited him for what could she ever provide anyone? She lived in a simple but cruel world made easier by the sweet spice that could take away her pain for a few hours.

Seilois was handed over to an orphanage run by the gang, Flesh Runners, a small time gang that owned half a block of Nar Shadda. As an infant, life is easy. They cry, they poodoo, they eat, they sleep. Simple and easy, but as Seilois got older and started to talk; he was given his name, 'Kung 2023', or Scum #2023 if one spoke huttese. It wasn't a particularly clever name as all the children, male and female, were given the same name. Scum and a number, made it easier for their caretakers to remember their names. Being individuals and desiring to feel loved; it wasn't uncommon for the children to make up their own names to call each other and so Kung 2023 became Seilois. The name has no real meaning, and it never did, at the time, he just thought it sounded cool when said by an offworlder.

But the Flesh Runners had no real interest in running an orphanage in hopes that, someday, a loving mother and father would fly to Nar Shadda to pick up the poor little children and take them with them to a new world; It would never happen. The Orphanage was just a front, a poor one at that, to allow them to recruit new members by 'recycling' their current members offspring. As the children got older, they were forced to steal and pick-pocket offworlders coming to visit the Red Light District. If they failed to bring in enough credits that day; they didn't eat. It wasn't surprising to find another orphan, a friend, wouldn't wake up no matter how hard someone shaked them. Those that survived moved on to more... important task. Leading people into allies where they could be killed or abducted then have their organs harvested to be traded as the Flesh Runners traded in flesh. Prostitutes and Organs, the best things in life.

When girls hit the age; they were forcefully injected with spice and other drugs to get them addicted, unable to stop and willing to do whatever they had to to satisfy their cravings; even if what they had to do was sell their bodies and souls. Boys, they were a bit different. They became future Flesh Runners after passing a series of Initiation Rituals created to give a sense of belonging, but in truth, it was similar with what they did to girls, forcibly inject them with drugs to get them addicted and willing to do whatever they had to for the Flesh Runners. Companions through necessity.

Seilois was just like all the rest, addicted to death sticks and red spice. Killing, kidnapping, forcing wives to watch as he broke their husband's legs... none of it mattered as long as he got the release. The euphoric sensation that took over his mind and soul when the drugs coursed through his veins making him feel alive, even if just for a few hours; it was all worth it. Jedi. Sith. Plagues. None of it mattered. The universe was far above, and he was here. At seventeen, his life was a blur as if he was on auto-pilot, a zombie stumbling through life looking for release, and it came.

The Flesh Runners had got in a... dispute with a march larger gang run by a very displeased Hutt. The raid was brutal. Their equipment stolen, most of their members dead, their 'women' stolen like items... the drugs, all gone. In one night, the Flesh Runners were no more. Seilois no longer had a purpose. He wandered the alleys of Nar Shadda lost in the pain and nightmare of withdraw where he was found by a small family of Twi'leks who picked up his shaking body and brought him into their home to heal and recover. To this day, he can still see their faces when he closes his eyes. He stayed with them for a year, and he can honestly say that he felt content with his life, but it was not to last. The Twi'lek father worked for the Hutts in a scrap refinery, and the Hutt believed him to have been stealing from the top, which he never did, and so the Hutt put a death mark on him, and it wasn't long before a bounty hunter appeared on the door step blaster in arm.

Seilois did as his instinct demanded and attacked, but he wasn't strong enough, but he had impressed the Hunter. The Hunter could use someone like Seilois, someone with nothing but skill in his crew, and so made him a one time offer. Kill the family, and join him, or die with the family. Seilois chose the former. The father, the mother, the son... and their little girl, they died, so he could live. It was the way of the Galaxy. People survived by stepping on the bodies of others.

And so his path was shown. He learned how to track, how to hunt, and most importantly, how to kill effectively from the Bounty Hunter and his Crew, but they too, eventually met their end in an ambush set up by pirates. Seilois survived in a punctured escape pod, and his life as a freelancer began. He has many stories working against and with pirates, crime lords, Sith, Jedi, nobles... He buried all the pain beneath a mask. He was not Kung #2023 of Nar Shadda. He was Seilois, Freelancer.

Being the frugal man he is, he flies a Tachyon freighter. A cheap, fast, and very common vessel. He has upgraded, or had upgraded given his lack of mechanic skills, false telesponders, upgraded shields and reactors, and a retrofitted the spare room into a holding cell complete with




Dual AT-HBP1 Heavy Pistols, laser sight, extended 26-shot power cell.
AT-1 Wrist Slugthrowers, one on each wrist, laser sight, extended 45 round clip. One on his left arm fires incindeary rounds. Right fires 4.6x30mm AP rounds.
M6-RSC Railgun Sniper, Bi-pod, 10 round clip, 20 shot power pack

Special Equipment:

14 Hunter Killer Suicide Drones
AT-RL1 Launcher - Three cylinders, Thermobaric and Anti-Armor High Explosive rockets.

Total Credits: 1,521,250

Purchase History:

ArmTech Is Expanding! Spent 84,000
Southern Systems Expo Spent 55,750



Blood, Speeders, and Morality 11k
Backdoor War: The Great Siege 300k - Pending
Dominion: Arcadia N-30 1 mil
Duel: Sands of Ordo 400k - Pending
The Spider Spins its Webs
Invasion: Silken Asteroids 650k (500k payment, 150k bonus)
Dev Thread: Soul Crushing Labor
Business Spark
Crystals are a Girl's Best Friend
Eye of the Dragon

Kung Seilois

Freelancer Extraordinaire
Sarge Potteiger said:
Another warhammer fan. welcome.
Funny enough, I didn't think of this at first. I spent an hour and a half or so browsing the internet for bounty hunters/mercenaries/assassins/freelancers that looked futuristic without being too futuristic or too western. As much as I love the space cowboy look; it wouldn't fit. Then I saw this picture and slapped myself on the head because it fits very well into what I wanted to do.
Times like this make me sad I can only do stick figures.

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