Emberlene's Daughter, The Jedi Generalist
There had been a lot of progress coming from everything the workers had done. Since they had taken to the fissure and to the world itself on Klantooine. Matsu's artisan's and researchers working with the Wintrium to learn and understand its properties. What made it so powerful in the long run before she was giving a few more areas of it into the spindle to go with the lightside synthweaved and desh-terethium mesh. There was a small tune in her head as the jedi master was letting the force energies pour out.
That was after all the real trick to it, compared to many of the things she had made there wasn't such a large backlash or obstruction to this being made. Not from her workers, seemed more petty grudges in other places of the galaxy that she could work past with the right incentives. Mostly just being better instead of letting her emotions guide her hand as the machines worked all around her analyzing the substance. They had been working with programmable matter to really create it into something better as well as more in their favor.
That was after all the real trick to it, compared to many of the things she had made there wasn't such a large backlash or obstruction to this being made. Not from her workers, seemed more petty grudges in other places of the galaxy that she could work past with the right incentives. Mostly just being better instead of letting her emotions guide her hand as the machines worked all around her analyzing the substance. They had been working with programmable matter to really create it into something better as well as more in their favor.