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Kurdii, Jedi Healer

Quis custodiet ipsos custodes?
NAME: Kurdii
FACTION: Jedi order, Galactic Republic
RANK: Padawan
SPECIES: Jungle Felucian
AGE: 15
GENDER: Female
HEIGHT: 2 meters
EYES: Blue
HAIR: None
SKIN: Grey with Blue stripes


+ Force prone: Kurdii's entire race and homeworld are attuned to the force.
+ Healing powers: If Kurdii grew up on Felucia she would have been a Shaman, the most Force-Sensitive caste of the Felucians, with the power to heal.

- Mood Swings: Felucians are prone to natural Mood Swings depending on the current situation. Although Kurdii has learned to control her emotions, they rarely still happen.
- Drawn to the dark side: Because of Felucia's balance of the force it sways between Light and Dark, therefore drawing the Felucians to either side.

SHIP: Kurdii has an Eta-2 Actis-class Light Interceptor equipped with 2 Laser cannons and 2 Light Ion cannons.

BIOGRAPHY: At an early age of 1, Kurdii's parents were brutally murdered trying to tame a Bull Rancor, which left no one to care for her. Luckily, a Jedi master found her to be much more Force-Sensitive then the others in her village. At the age of 5 she was at the top of her class for Force training and excelled at lightsaber combat. After demonstrating her natural healing powers be healing the wounds of a fellow youngling who had tripped and fallen down the stairs. Many years past, and the Correlian Boy she had saved when she was 5 eventually became her best friend, although the refrained from physical contact, the still loved each other. His name was Dan. By the age of 13, She started to chase her dream of being a Jedi healer. Along the way she made much more friends then she did in earlier years, most of which admired the details of her race, such as the four arms and face tendrils. She bonded with many different people, and became friends with a Zelosian girl named Daisy, whom she shared much in common with. She went on plenty of day trips with her classmates, and on one of them, the went to Kurdii's homeworld of Felucia and studied the Native fauna and flora. There Kurdii learned much of her species' Homeworld. After a few months of more training she finally started on missions around the galaxy with Daisy an Dan be her side. Daisy, who was not all that of a fighter, became a junior archivist at the Jedi temple, whereas Kuldii and Dan stayed together.





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