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Approved Species Kuri

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  • Name: Kuri
  • Designation: Non-sentient
  • Homeworld: Voss
  • Language: N/A
  • Average Lifespan: 15
  • Estimated Population: Rare
  • Description: An often timid but intelligent creature, the kuri inhabits curious, delicate feline-like features in its face, whilst the cervidaen structure of its body holds surprisingly strength. A family-oriented species, kuri like to stay within their small groups for most of their life. As a result, they are often difficult to find, and their frequent seclusion from other groups of kuri makes it difficult for their young to find suitable partners, resulting in an endangerment of the species on the whole.

  • Breathes: Type I
  • Average height of adults: From paws to top of the head 1.7 meters, plus antlers that protrude an additional .3 meters)
  • Average length of adults: 1.3 meters
  • Skin color: Pale pink-white
  • Hair color: Light brown for most of its body, with a white hair on its underbelly, parts of its face and sometimes tail.
  • Distinctions: Unlike other, more common deer, the uniqueness of the kuri's feline facial features are difficult to miss, along with its white underbelly and sharp antlers. Females tend to be slightly larger than males, and can often be discerned from males from their white tail, where the male would tend to have a light brown tail.
  • Races: N/A
  • Strengths: Nimble, strong and intelligent.
  • Weaknesses: Shy, timid, but sometimes overly-curious.

  • Diet: General foliage; kewafi, fennel and lavender flowers are poisonous.
  • Communication: Body language; soft mewling
  • Technology level: N/A
  • Religion/Beliefs: N/A
  • General behavior: A peaceful, diurnal species, kuri are extremely timid, family-oriented creatures who only venture out of their small social groups to find a mate. Unfortunately, this is only successful one in three times on average, leading to minimised numbers in recent years.

Often considered a myth by most sentients, the Kuri have inhabited Voss for a long enough period of time to be considered semi-divine by the planet's native for their apparent attunement with the Force. Such attunment has, for generations, caused special though rare interactions with the Force wielders of Voss, and while there is never anything elucidated in sentient language through their Force communication, the kuri are able to express intense feeling to those they choose to communicate with. However, this is a rare case indeed and there have only been a few recorded cases of kuri communicating through the Force with sentient creatures.

Those who have been honoured with an interaction have said that there is a sense of overwhelming calm and warmth found from the communication. Such testimoies have been recorded by Remus of the Citadel who - some two centuries ago - led a small army of rogue Jedi to the walls of the home of the Salians during the Grand Conspiracy of Thape, whilst riding on the back of an armoured kuri.

This attunement coupled with their mysterious physical appearance has earned the kuri several statues built in their semi-mythical honour, which can be seen in some of the older temple ruins found across Voss' surface. Alas, such reverence is less commonly seen in the modern era, but the rarity and mystique of these elegant animals cause great fascination and attraction from many.
[member="Auron Song"]

Love it, but I got a question and a request before I can stamp it.

Is there something special about their force attunement? Like, does it allow them to do anything special?

I am also gonna need you to add more to their history. It's a custom species on a canon world, so there's plenty more that you can explore with it- if you make it a good-sized paragraph I will stamp it, but more is very welcome.
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