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Approved Species Kuryida Edee

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Name: Kuryida Edee (Mando'a - Lit. "Murder Teeth")
Designation: Semi Sentient
Homeworld: Wayland
Language: Body language and vocal tones
Average size of adults:
  • 5m at hips
  • 15.8m long
  • Weight range between 14-28 tonnes
Skin color: Varied, though tending towards mottled browns, greens, and tans
Hair color: N/A
Breathes: Type I
  • Vongified - A product of the vong biological tests on the planet Wayland, the Kuryida Edee is inherently Force Dead and therefore immune to many, if not most, Force abilities.
  • Apex Predator - The Kuryida Edee lives entirely up to its name in more than just visual appearances. The reptile has enhanced senses of smell and sight, easily able to sniff out their quarry or spot them with ease across a clearing.
  • Murder Teeth - Powerful jaws and razor sharp teeth are the first thing most notice when face to face with a Kuryida Edee. The creature's jaw is capable of easily crushing prey to death while its teeth punch cleanly through flesh and bone alike. Even the reputed Mandalorians with their beskar armor rightly fear and avoid personal encounters with one of the predators as even beskar armor cannot withstand the crushing bite of a Kuryida Edee.
  • Scaled - The Kuryida Edee is not only well armed for a predator, but also well armored. The thick, scaled hide of the monster is capable of withstanding a variety of attacks from bullets to blasters. Even lightsabers have mild difficulty piercing the thick hide, though many equivalate such difficulty to that of penetrating armorweave. This hide keeps the predator safe from potential hunters, making the creature not only lethal to find, but difficult to hunt.
  • Rare - While lethal and highly dangerous, Kuryida Edee are rather difficult to find in a broad sense. One could search an area of several dozen kilometers and find, perhaps, one of the creatures. The beasts are territorial and finding more than one in a claimed area generally implies that a territorial contest is in order between two adults, the beasts are in the midst of mating season, or that a mother and her young have been discovered.
  • Cold Blooded - While an apex predator and capable of running down prey, the Kuryida Edee is, in fact, cold-blooded. Therefore, the beast is susceptible to low temperatures and cold or frozen environments. In fact, the creatures are only found in the warm climates of Wayland.
  • Ill-Tempered - Aggressive and highly territorial, the beasts are incapable of domestication through all known methods in the galaxy. This makes the creatures unviable for use as weapons or mounts entirely.
Distinctions: Reptilian, predator, vong, cold blooded, territorial
Average Lifespan: Approximately one hundred to two hundred standard years
Races: N/A
Estimated Population: Insubstantial/Rare - Found only on Wayland
Diet: Carnivore
Communication: vocal and body languages
Culture: As the Kuryida Edee are not fully sentient, they have no culture. That said, some Mandalorian clans on Wayland do actively hunt a Kuryida Edee as a verd'goten
Technology level: N/A
General behavior:

Kuryida Edee are, outside of their size and stature, equivalent to any non-pack hunting apex predator. The creatures are lone hunters and solitary predators for the majority of their lives. A lone Kuryida will stake out a claim of territory using pheromones and, unless forced from their territory, will spend their lives hunting within their boundaries. Occasionally, a territory dispute arises where two or more of the creatures will vie for the same territory. When this occurs, the beasts spend a few days marking territory and overhunting the location, trying to drive the competition out. Should that fail to work, the struggle climaxes in an all out brawl between the creatures where the winner drives the other out or kills them in the struggle.

Mating season occurs once annually for approximately a month. During this time, female Kuryida Edee will alternate from a territorial defense to a roaming predator. When she enters a male Kuryida Edee's territory, the male will often try to impress the female with displays of strength and size and offerings of caught prey. If the female is suitably impressed, the female will reside with the male for approximately a month or so before returning to her own territory. If unimpressed, the female will move on into other claimed territory until a suitable partner is found.

Kuryida Edee mothers lay eggs within two to three months of a successful mating season. The mother remains with the eggs and subsequent young until the young are capable of successfully hunting. Once old enough, the young are pushed out of the mother's territory and out into the world. Between territorial disputes and starvation, few Kuryida Edee mature to adulthood, keeping the population low.

It should be noted that when sentient species enter and attempt to settle within a Kuryida Edee's territory, the predator often perceives the intrusion as a territorial dispute and will react accordingly.


Formed by Vong shapers some time during the vong invasion in the past, Kuryida Edee quickly made themselves one of the most dangerous predators on the planet. Since then, anyone residing on Wayland has treated them with respect due to such large predators.

The beasts are well known to Wayland and are almost iconic to some regions of the planet. In addition, the creatures are often the target of many focuses from documentaries to big game hunters. In fact, a select few Mandalorian clans on the planet use the animal as a hunting goal for verd'goten trials in some situations.

Currently, the total population of the Kuryida Edee is unknown, but scientists estimate that that the overall population of the creatures low enough to not inhibit or unnecessarily endanger sentient settlements on the planet.

Notable Player-Characters: N/A
Intent: Who doesn't like a big beastie to hunt or run away from? Toss in some stuff to make sure the playing field is fair to both FUs and NFUs and you have yourself a neat little plot device/animal kingdom boss NPC for Wayland. Plus, if you can kill one, you have a nice little bit of bling from the hide and the reputation.
Dev Threads:
First one (Should be a few posts in there by Draco Vereen's alt, but only found the one looks like.)
Second one (couple in here by a few of us)
Third One
Okay, working through the sub:

- You have marked them as non-sentient. This would mean they are plant-like in levels of intelligence. I would suggest using semi-sentient or even sentient here, as that seems to be what they are from the description.

- The weight seems a little high for their size. 14-18 tonnes would seem more reasonable, unless you have a specific reason for their large weight.

- Add some more to culture. It doesn't have to be much, but you can describe their mating rituals and territorial disputes here.

- I need you to point out the relevant posts in the dominions, as they are both rather long.

- There are a few other possible problems, but they depend on the Dev threads, so I will address them once I have checked the threads.

[member="Arrbi Betna"]
[member="Werah Unon"]
I can swap that out, then.

Historically, the FL T-Rex was about 14ish tonnes in weight. This thing is, if I remember correctly, 50% larger than than a real T-Rex. I can shave down the weight a bit, though. I was going for something big 'n' nasty is all.

I'm not sure why to expand culture? I mean, I can put stuff in there, but I'd probably just repeat the sections from behavior. Up to you, though. I'm easy.

I'll see about getting those tonight after class.

Could you elaborate? I'd like to know if there's anything specific that's a concern beforehand.
You can leave culture alone if you want, or you can move the stuff from behaviour to there. Your choice.

If you want something "big'n'nasty", then you could simply make it bigger in the size categories. I just feel that the weight and size are a little disproportionate to each other.

The strengths are better than the weaknesses, and seem unbalanced. This isn't a problem if the strengths have been dev'd properly.
[member="Arrbi Betna"]
[member="Werah Unon"]
I'm gonna be honest here, I'm not sure why it having a lean towards strengths over weaknesses is an issue for a creature solely designed for PvE. I get balancing, but this isn't designed for PvP at all. In fact it's clearly stated to be untameable which means it can't be used as a war mount or even as a sort of siege or war beast. I mean, someone could theoretically catch a few and let them loose on someone, but they're just as dangerous to one side as they are the other. I guess what I'm trying to say is I'm not sure why there's an issue with a slight lean when it's purely a PvE boss. I'll get the dev thread posts listed out today or tomorrow though.

As for size/weight ratios, it could easily be tossed up to denser muscle mass and tougher skeletal structure. I can toss that in if it helps explain the difference.
[member="Werah Unon"]
Posts of relevance:
Thread #1 (Dominion of Denon) - Post 114 (reference/zoo exhibit) - Just to note, looks like a reference to it being an alpha predator, could only find one post but I think he mentioned there being three, so... Guess there's just one lol Ah well, could've sworn there were more but what can you do.
Thread #2 (Dominion of Wayland) - Post 85 (Enter the Kuryida Edee), Post 86, Post 87, Post 99, Post 101, Post 103

I've also included a new thread written by two folks who couldn't quite wait to hunt the beast and tossed me the thread to help me out. 15 post thread and someone pulled the scene from MIB by getting eaten by the big nasty with a belt of grenades.
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