Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Character Kuzon Lu’Ten(V.2)


Full NameKuzon Lu’Ten
Age19 Years old
RankJedi Padawan
FactionGalactic Alliance
Force SensitiveYes
Hair ColorBlack
Eye ColorBrown
Skin ColorTan


Years ago an infant Bothan was found abandoned by a pair of Jedi just after finishing a mission on Kothlis. After checking with the authorities but finding no clues to the baby's parents and sensing the force within him the Jedi took the child with them back to Kashyyyk. There he was named Kuzon and a new Bothan surname was made for him not long after.

Brought up in the Silver Jedi Order, Kuzon became a good natured and willing student in the ways of the force. In time he developed a deep fascination for history, inspired by tales of legendary Jedi. After rising to the rank of padawan and constructing his own lightsaber he was assigned to the Zabark Knight Vidya Isko as his master.

Vidya was a strong yet compassionate mentor, encouraging the boy's dreams of becoming a Jedi historian. At the same time she made him confront his issues with creative methods and tests. Often she would take her pupil into the wilds of Kashyyyk to emphasize her lessons on connecting with the Force and learning survival skills as well.

By his mid teens they went out on missions, from charity efforts, rescue operations and exploring force related sites along with a few investigations as well. From those experiences he became very empathetic to others, especially the unfortunate and his knowledge deepened. While Kuzon had fully embraced his path as a Jedi he started to notice that some strangers treated him with suspicion and even outright prejudice because of his Bothan heritage. Hurt by this, he researched Bothan culture further than before and was disgusted with what he discovered.

Adding to this was he went into records about how he was found as an infant. At that point Kuzon became resentful of his species. From then on the young learner did everything in his ability to prove he wasn't the dubious Bothan stereotype but a sincere Jedi. It didn't take long for Vidya to figure out what was bothering her student and she started to talk with him about it.

However, they had to cut it short for a mission to help Wookiee villagers on Alaris Prime during a terrible flood. To Kuzon's shock he watched his master die as she saved others. Struck with grief he spent much time in mediation back at Silver Rest. During another sorrowful night alone the spirit of Vidya Isko came to Kuzon. In the midst of their conversation she instructed him to complete his training by joining the New Jedi Order based on Coruscant before she faded away.

Taking the advice to heart Kuzon made the request with the Silver Jedi masters and after a discussion they agreed. Taking a few essentials Kuzon Lu'ten departed Kashyyyk on a shuttle and went off to face his destiny. For a time he served as a student at the Coruscant temple but during a training mission Kuzon got separated from his bethern and disappeared for some time.

Recently he was found as a beggar in Coruscant's underworld mysteriously being only one year older than he was originally. Fortunately the young Jedi has regained most of his memories, except for the time he disappeared.


  • + Well Trained Survivalist (jungle/forest wilderness)
  • + Highly Driven
  • + Very intelligent(especially with galactic history and certain force philosophies)


  • - Bias against his species‘ culture, secretly ashamed of being a Bothan
  • - Can be quite self-critical at times(some who know him personally are concerned that he places undue burdens on himself.)
  • - Physically uncomfortable in extreme heat environments(deserts and volcanic terrain)

OOC: Full credit for the div template goes to Kitter Bitters
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WEAPONS: Green Bladed Lightsaber, Blaster Pistol, Vibroknife, Set of Flash grenades(Two for each mission)

Equipment: Holobinoculars, handheld imagecaster, leather utility belt, set of food and energy capsules, commlink, fibercord grappling hook, personal journal, hand crafted pen and backpack with some supplies/provisions
Force Abilities

Force Empathy - Basic

Force Push - Adept

Mind Trick - Basic

Force Pull - Adept

Curato Salva - Basic

Thought Shield - Adept

Force Barrier - Basic

Saber Throw - Adept

Force Concealment - Basic

Force Speed - Adept

Force Grip - Basic

Sense Force - Adept

Tutaminis - Basic

Psychometry - Adept

Force Telepathy - Basic

Campfire Illusions - Adept

Lightsaber Forms

Form I: Shii-Cho - Adept

Form IV: Ataru - Basic

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