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Character Kwynn the Mando (WIP)

Full Name
Kwynn of Clan Wyvern​
28 Years​


  • TBA

  • Born on the Kalevala in –DATE TBA–, Kwynn was raised in the ways of the Resol'nare by his mother Luna and his father J’vann - an armourer and a hunter, respectively.

    His father took a practical approach in training him, switching between playing the roles of predator and prey in order to teach his son the subtleties of hunting, as well as their application in combat and war. Over the years, Kwynn learned to incorporate grapples and joint locks into his martial technique, in order to disarm or disable his opponents quickly and efficiently. He passed each and every tracking challenge his father presented him, and his abilities as a marksman surpassed J'vann's wildest expectations.

    Kwynn’s mother also partook in his education, teaching him science and instructing him in the fine arts of smithing and crafting. Under her training, Kwynn became a skilled engineer with a knack for repairing engines.

    At the age of 15, Kwynn moved to the city in order to complete his education and reach adulthood. However, having been raised on a farm in the plains of Kalevala, Kwynn was unaccustomed to city life and it took him some time to adjust. During his time there he was exposed to many new ideas,

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  • Clothing / Armour

    • Beskar'gam. Mandalorian armour made of beskar, consisting of a helmet, pauldrons, vambraces, knee pads, thigh and shin guards, all attached to a protective body glove. Is sealed, allowing for survival in the vacuum for a limited time.
    • Buy'ce. A custom helmet based on the traditional Mandalorian design. Comes with basic HUD features, infrared and thermal filters, and an integrated comlink.
    • Long-CoatWhen going about his daily life, Kwynn can usually be found wearing a protective brown leather jacket over his beskar breastplate, similar in appearance to an "old West" duster. It has a mythosaur skull stitched into the left shoulder.
      • Scarf. Kwynn is particularly fond of his scarf, as it once belonged to his late mother, and prefers not to wear it in battle lest it be damaged.[/INDENT]
      • Boots Kwynn keeps a vibro-knife in his left boot at all times, just in case.
    • Hooded Cloak. During stealth missions, Kwynn wears a dark grey cloak over his beskar'gam in order to blend in with the shadows.

    Gear & Weapons

    • A-180 Blaster. Kwynn uses an A-180 blaster pistol that he keeps holstered on his right thigh. It has been fitted with a cautionary pulser, causing it to buzz when low on ammunition. Although he prefers it as a sidearm, he often uses its sniper configuration.
    • TL-50 Heavy Repeater. When it comes to the battlefield, Kwynn's weapon of choice is a TL-50 heavy repeating blaster rifle fitted with a mini cooling unit, allowing it to maintain fire for longer periods of time.
    • Mandalorian Vambraces
      • Right Vambrace
        Whipcord Launcher
        Small Flamethrower Unit. Contains enough fuel for 20 seconds of continuous firing.​
      • Left Vambrace
        Precision Laser Cutter
        DY-8 Repulsor Unit. Used to replicate the effects of a Force Push.​
        Mission-Specific Switches/Buttons.
    • Utility Belt
      • Handheld Holoprojector.
      • Smoke Bombs & Pellets. Useful in any situation.
      • Tracking Devices.
      • Mission-Specific Equipment. Anything the current mission requires.
    • JT-12 Jetpack. Kwynn is not particularly proficient in flying his jetpack, as he prefers ships.
    • Beskad. Kwynn doesn't carry his kad as much as his other equipment, as it isn't always practical.

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