Ky'Atove Tri'Suun

NAME: Ky'Atove "Ky" Tri'Suun
RANK: Grey Freelance Padawan
SPECIES: Half Chiss Half Human
AGE: 17 Galactic Standard Years
SEX: Female
HEIGHT: 5'8"
WEIGHT: 132 lbs.
SKIN: Blue
+ Ky trains Athletically a lot, so she is quite strong. She is also Agile, so she will often be seen doing flips and stuff like that.
+ Ky looks helpless, and she uses that to her advantage.
+ Through the years Ky has trained in the use of a Training-Saber, and she is quite good at it. Considering Lightsaber forms, she doesn't use any in particular. She usually just fights randomly. This is because she believes an opponent is bested better if they don't know what you are going to do in the heat of battle.
- Ky isn't that good at using the Force. She barely ever uses it, and instead she relies on a Lightsaber instead.
- Ky never thinks anything out. She does stuff as it happens, and she will most likely never have a plan for anything.
- When Ky was younger, one of the Jedi Masters that would often help train her didn't always do things the "Jedi Way". He did things that he believed would help the Galaxy, even if that meant killing a unarmed enemy. Ky ended up inheriting this behavior, so she often almost does Sithly things if she thinks it would help the Galaxy get peace. She isn't the Strongest in the ways of the Jedi.
Ky's Mother is Chiss and her Father is Human, so her Eyes aren't fully red like Full Chiss, and her Hair is Red unlike the natural Black that Chiss have.
As said above, Ky does not look masculine, but she is.
Ky wears a Pendent that was given to her by her Parents before she was taken to be trained as a Jedi. She has worn it ever since.
Ky was taken to be trained as a Jedi at a young age like many who are Force Sensitive. Since she was so young she doesn't remember her Parents except by the Pendent that they gave her. Since then she has been trained in the ways of the Jedi to one day become a Jedi. The only thing she has had close to a Family was the Jedi Master who helped her in a lot of her early training. Around the time when Ky was fifteen the Jedi Master was exiled for killing a defenseless Dark Jedi Master. Ky was affected by this, but since there was nothing she could do about it she didn't do anything.
When she was seventeen she asked to have a Master that would help personally train her so that she could soon be a Jedi Knight...
Shortly after she got a Master, Antares Windu, she made the decision of actually leaving the Jedi Order. She went off to do whatever she could to protect the galaxy...
Jedi Training Thread: