Well-Known Member
[SIZE=13.5pt]Basic Information[/SIZE]
Name: Kyla Verss
Faction: Republic, G.I.A., Coruscanti Liberation Front
Species: Human
Age: 22
Gender: Female
Height: 175 cm
Weight: 58 kg
Eyes: Blue
Skin: Fair
Hair: Red
Homeworld: Anaxes
Alignment: Lawful neutral
Force-sensitive: No
[SIZE=13.5pt]Strengths & Weaknesses[/SIZE]
+ Patriotic: She is fiercely loyal to her government, whether it is right or wrong
+ Melee: As an agent, she needs to know how to defend herself without a firearm
+ Marksman: Excellent shot, particularly with sniper rifles and handguns
+ Fit: The agent's body is in great physical condition, making her an agile and strong combatant
- Jedi hate: Knowing how quickly and easily can any of the peacekeepers join the enemy, she does not like the Jedi one bit and finds it impossible to trust them.- Hand to hand: She is terrible at fighting with her bare hands
- Paranoid: As an agent, she learned to trust no one, therefore it is hard for her to make actual friends and not just take them as useful contacts
[SIZE=13.5pt]Appearance & Gear[/SIZE]
Kyla wears whatever she finds to be suitable for her current situation. From her Republic uniform she sports during official meetings with her superiors and casual clothing in her free time off duty, the redhead can be seen in the Warden-class body armor that is painted black and bears no insignia, and sometimes even dressed in an enemy uniform to get where she wants without having to hide in shadows. The woman also prefers if her apparel offers some sort of protection against blaster bolts. The only equipment she has all the time is an earbud comlink giving her a discrete way of communication, her datapad containing sensitive information, possibly a rebreather and one medpac.
The redhead’s weapon of choice is a silenced pistol or submachine gun for close range combat, for longer distances than several meters she uses a sniper rifle, also silenced. Her current weaponry consists of a PDW-M1, silenced BTI-838, customized Prestige HP pistol also equipped with a silencer, a combat knife hidden in her right boot and finally two Model J1 palm blasters, one in the pocket and the other in her left boot. Her preferred melee weapons are Paired Pivot Blades on her wrists.
Not much is known of Kyla’s background. Due to her line of work, her family might get endangered if the enemy found out too much, therefore everything concerning her relatives, childhood and early teens is labeled as classified. It is known she joined the military when sixteen. It was most likely there that she developed her deep distaste towards the Jedi and Force sensitives in general, thinking of them as timed bombs that could join the enemy any time. In the following years, she went through the special forces training and later participated in several classified operations. Thinking of all Jedi as potential traitors had gotten her into trouble here and there, but otherwise she was found to be a dutiful soldier who follows orders and does not ask any questions.The fall of Coruscant further reinforced her belief no Jedi can be trusted with leading the navy and military due to the Order's inability to defend the capital. There are even more reasons for her extremely bitter attitude towards the Jedi. A large group of traitors (later called the Silver Jedi) that left the Jedi Order and, in Kyla's opinion, indirectly helped the take over Coruscant by giving the Sith a signal to attack and stealing some of the Republic's resources. These renegades were unfortunately not hunted down and exterminated as the redhead wished. According to her, it sent a wrong message to the galaxy, one that says everyone can betray the Republic and get away with it without consequences. Kyla believes this very much shows the Jedi have too much influence over the Republic despite being prone to joining the Sith as evidenced by the last few battles. Still, she has no choice but to tolerate them, which does not apply to the Silver Jedi... or Sith in making, as she often calls them. Due to the Silver Jedi not being charged with treason and declared enemies of state, Kyla considers them to be even more dangerous than Sith and will hunt them down if given a chance.
Despite the Republic's flaws, Kyla considers herself a proud patriot ready to serve her government.
First Meetings - ongoing
First Plans - ongoing
Do No Harm - ongoing
Brushing away the cowebs - ongoing
Rock 'em, Sock 'em - ongoing
First Step - ongoing