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Approved Species Kyramud Ge'tal

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The Hound


[Copyright Star Trek]
Name: Kyramud Ge'tal (Red Assassin); Red Spiker;
Designation: Non-Sentient
Homeworld: Arenzeb
Language: N/A
Average height of adults: 3-3.5 Meters
Average Length of Adults: 4-7 Meters
Skin color: Bright Red
Breathes: Type I
  • Its unique skin is made to redistribute heat and energy as an adaptation for life under the ice, thus making energy based-weapons useless unless it is overloaded with energy in which case the skin will simply retain too much heat and melt off the creature, the cold killing it almost instantly.
  • Its large size, speed, and use of hands is often seen as advanced for a non-sentient species leading many to believe it is semi-sentient. Its not, its just a smart killer.
  • A maximum speed of 135 Km/H in short bursts.
  • A maximum of 25 minutes is as long as it can stay anywhere without air
  • History of suffering from bloat
  • Though it is immune to energy based weapons, slugthrowers work wonders and because it does not heal quickly wounds to its heat dispersing and absorbing skin will leave the flesh underneath available to the cold causing freezerburn, frostbite and eventually death.
Distinctions: Big, ugly, and red the Spiker is the Apex Predator of Arenzeb. With four sharp, spider-like legs, two whip-like tails, clawed hands with a long reach and a gaping maw lined with sharp teeth it is a fearsome creature. The also boasts six eyes and small, short hairs on its tails and legs designed to detect even the smallest Ropo crawling across the ice.

The creature also does not have ribs. Instead its stomach is packed with an orange, jell-like substance that keeps the organs in place. However, due to the creature's quiet lifestyle where it sometimes lays in wait for days under the ice and becoming suddenly active, the organs are jumbled around a lot while cold and the stomach presses against its belly creating sickening bulge or bloat in its stomach which can eventually lead to death.
Average Lifespan: 10-100 Years
Estimated Population: Unkown
Diet: Exclusively meat
Communication: This
Culture: None to speak of

General behavior: Generally loaners and solitary predators, the Spiker lies in wait for prey for days. Its prey usually consists of Bantha though it has been known to eat other animals and humanoids that wander into its path. Though they are ambush predators they are capable of hunting and chasing prey with their quick legs and long reach. These things are monsters and even the Arenzebite fear them. However due to being incredibly hard to find and incredibly dangerous, little research has been conducted on the species and little else is known about them.
History: A beast that originally only lived in the cold northern hemisphere of the planet, the ice age brought on by the Mandalorians along with the addition of Bantha into the ecosystem has helped increase its population, causing it to spread to all parts of the planet. Before a few thousand years ago however, the creature had never even been seen but as the species slowly migrated throughout the planet the terror of this beast was made known to the population of Exonards and Valkyri that immigrated to the cold surface.

Now they are known as one of the most dangerous creatures this side of the Galaxy and though the people of the planet aren't stupid enough to hunt for them, they are prized trophies of the Galaxy's greatest monster hunters.
Notable Player-Characters: None
Intent: To create an violent species to flesh out Arenzeb
[member="Vaermina"] - I actually really like this submission.

Only problem I see is the speed... That's okay for short spurts like a cheetah, but I don't want them running anywhere near that fast for more then a few seconds. Fix that and you're good. :)
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