Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Character Kyran Thaln

Age: 22 GSY.
Species: Mandalorian.
Gender: Male.
Height: 5'11 Foot.
Weight: 70 Kilograms Approx.
Force Sensitive: No.

Kyran Thaln, clad in black, Beskar'gam exudes a dark, intimidating presence. The armor features a matte black helmet with a T-shaped visor, sleek chestplate, and sharp-edged gauntlets equipped with various gadgets. A tattered black cape drapes over one shoulder, adding to their mystique. The sturdy leg armour and reinforced boots suggest readiness for any environment, while a utility belt holds essential gear. The overall look is one of shadowy menace, with weapons like a black-bladed vibroblade or disruptor rifle completing this formidable warrior's appearance.

Kyran Thaln believes true honour is earned through combat, valuing strength, martial prowess, and victory in battle. They are nostalgic for the ancient ways of Mandalore, where warriors ruled with fear and strength, and they view modern, peaceful Mandalorians as weak. Their iconic armour symbolizes their heritage and warrior identity. Loyalty to their cause and brotherhood is paramount, and betrayal is a grave offence. While ruthless, they follow an internal code that emphasizes loyalty and honour. They are pragmatic and willing to use any means, including alliances with dubious figures and acts of violence, to achieve their goals.


  • Forger: Kyran Thaln is a skilled artisan who manufactures and maintains armour and weaponry.
  • Martial Warrior: Thaln is unafraid to engage in physical confrontation and has trained to dominate combat.
  • The Creed: Kyran Thaln lives by and profusely believes in the way of the Mandalore, at times, even at the expense of his interests or benefit.
  • Foundling: Adopted into the Mandalorian culture as a child, Kyran does not know of his ancestors before him.
Orphaned in the chaos of the Second Great Hyperspace War, Kyran Thaln was found amidst the ruins of an urban battlefield by Nyda Saxon, a formidable Mandalorian warrior. Bound by the Mandalorian Creed, Nyda took him under her protection and brought him back to the Covert where she had been raised. There, she named him a Foundling and took it upon herself to train and educate him in the ways of Mandalore and the storied history of House Vizsla.

Kyran's early years were anything but ordinary. His childhood was replaced by a gruelling regimen of training, discipline, and the relentless strengthening of both body and mind. He learned to read the land, hunt, and kill—all necessary skills for survival. Under Nyda Saxon's watchful eye, Kyran was often pushed into combat with his peers, each fight a test of his resolve. Weakness was met with harsh scrutiny, while victory brought praise and rewards, further hardening his spirit.

Despite the frequent battles among themselves, Kyran and the other younglings of the covert were taught the importance of loyalty. The Mandalorian way demanded unity and betrayal of their people was considered a fate far worse than death. Kyran was indoctrinated into the Creed, understanding that a good death in battle, one that brought honor and respect to his people, was the highest aspiration.

As the Galaxy began to recover from the ravages of the Second Great Hyperspace War, opportunities for a skilled bounty hunter were plentiful. Now of age and ready to forge his own path, Kyran Thaln turned to the hunt. Driven by the desire to make a name for himself, he sought to earn credits and build an arsenal worthy of his mentor, Nyda Saxon, and the legacy of House Saxon and House Vizsla.
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TypeSkillProficiencyLearned FromThread
MeleeUnarmed Combat▮▮▮▮▮▮▮▮▮▮-N/A
RangedBlaster Pistols▮▮▮▮▮▮▮▮▮▮-N/A
RangedBlaster Rifles▮▮▮▮▮▮▮▮▮▮-N/A
ArtisanryMetal Working▮▮▮▮▮▮▮▮▮▮-N/A
ArtisanryElectrical Engineering▮▮▮▮▮▮▮▮▮▮-N/A
TypeNameBonus InformationAcquired
Melee WeaponVibroswordStandardNyda Saxon
Melee WeaponVibro-knifeStandardNyda Saxon
Blaster PistolT-6 heavy blaster pistolStandardNyda Saxon
ArmourKyran Thaln's Beskar'gamMandalorian ArmourKyran Thaln
NameRelationshipBonus InformationIntroduction
Nyda SaxonWard/MentorNPCN/A
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