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Approved Armor Kyran Thaln's Beskar Greaves

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Manufacturer: Kyran Thaln
Market Status: Closed Market
Production: Unique
Weight: Average

  • Classification: Greaves/Boots.
  • Weight: Average.
  • Resistances: High.
    • Energy: High.
    • Kinetic: High.
    • Lightsabers: High.
  • 'Nasreyc' Combat Boots: The combat boots from Breshig War Forge Consolidated are a standout feature of Kyran Thaln's Beskar Greaves, adding crucial functionality to his Beskar'gam. These boots are not just protective footwear; they are designed to enhance his agility and mobility in battle, providing a solid foundation for every step he takes.
  • Strength Enhancer Module: The GNS Strength Enhancer, integrated into his heavy utility belt, amplifies Thaln's physical abilities. This enhancement allows him to jump greater distances, run faster, and deliver more powerful strikes, giving him a significant advantage in combat scenarios. These modifications work in harmony with his armour, making him an even more formidable force on the battlefield.
  • Minimal Force Resistance: Thaln's Beskar Greaves offer no defence against most Force abilities, but they protect against Force Lightning and Electric Judgment, thanks to the integrated Faraday Cage, which shields Kyran Thaln from these specific energy-based attacks, absorbing and dispersing the electrical energy to keep him safe.
  • Power Supply: The Rylith power cell is not intended for continuous operation on its own; it's designed to be connected to an armour's integrated power supply for sustained use. When relying solely on the power cell, it provides only enough energy for about twelve hours of functionality.
  • Repulsor Jammer: Repulsor jammers can disrupt and disable several vital functions of the boots, rendering them non-operational.

Kyran Thaln's greaves and combat boots, forged from Beskar, are essential elements of his Mandalorian armour, providing both formidable protection and strategic advantages. The greaves, extending from his knees to his ankles, are crafted from Beskar, a nearly indestructible metal famed for its resistance to blaster fire, lightsabers, and other high-impact threats. These greaves are meticulously designed to shield Thaln's shins and calves while remaining lightweight enough to ensure agility and swift movement.

His combat boots, also made of Beskar, are engineered for exceptional durability and versatility. They offer a robust, unyielding base crucial for combat stability. Despite their strength, the boots are constructed with flexibility in mind, allowing Thaln to navigate diverse terrains with ease. The soles are reinforced with additional layers of Beskar or other materials, providing enhanced grip and shock absorption, which are essential for maintaining balance in the heat of battle.

In addition to their protective qualities, Thaln's boots feature advanced enhancements such as integrated repulsorlift technology for improved jumping capability, magnetic soles for secure traction on metallic surfaces, and built-in tools or small weapons compartments. The greaves and boots create a cohesive protective system that significantly boosts Thaln's combat effectiveness.

Out Of Character Info

Intent: To provide further details about Kyran Thaln's Beskar Greaves.
Image Source(s):
Canon Link: N/A

Technical Information

Affiliation: Kyran Thaln
Model: N/A
Modular: Yes
Material: Armourweave, Beskar, Stygian-triprismatic polymer, Faraday Cage.
Classification: Multipurpose
Defense Rating: High
Energy Resist: High
Kinetic Resist: High
Sonic Resist: Average
Thermal Resist: Average
Radiation Resist: Average
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