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Approved Armor Kyran Thaln's Beskar Helmet

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Manufacturer: Kyran Thaln
Market Status: Closed Market
Production: Unique
Weight: Average

  • Classification: Helmet.
  • Weight: Average.
  • Resistances: High.
    • Energy: High.
    • Kinetic: High.
    • Lightsabers: High.
  • Direct Neural Interface: By monitoring the intricate neural impulses within the brain, the Neural Interface enables Helm's technology to respond with remarkable speed. Commands are seamlessly received and executed, driven directly by Kyran Thaln's intentions and will.
  • Built for Combat: Utilising modifications purchased from Locke & Key Mechanics, the Minerva HUD System and the God-eye provide the wearer with an Enhanced Optical Suite, a Heads-up Display and direct control of additional technology within the Beskar'gam, all easily accessed with the aid of the Neural Interface.
  • Pressurized Seal: When connected to the cuirass of the Beskar'gam, the Helm forms a pressurized seal, allowing Kyran Thaln to breathe oxygen even in environments where the air is otherwise unbreathable via the internal rebreather. When required, the rebreather can be activated via the control panel of Thaln's left vambrace.
  • Impaired Peripheral Vision: The helmet's size and T-shaped visor narrow Kyran's field of vision, directing his sight mainly straight ahead where he's looking.
  • Impaired Maneuverability: The helmet's weight and attachment to the upper portion of Thaln's armour restrict the movement of his neck, further limiting his field of vision.
  • Minimal Force Resistance: The armour provides no defence against Force abilities, except for Force Lightning or Electric Judgment. This is due to the Faraday Cage integrated within, which protects against these specific energy-based attacks.
  • Points of Weakness: The visor and the neck are critical points of vulnerability. The visor, less durable than the Beskar Plating that makes up the rest of the helmet, could be pierced by a powerful and precise strike. Additionally, if struck at the right angle, the neck could be compromised, potentially toppling the helmet.

The Beskar helm of a Mandalorian warrior stands as a powerful symbol, instantly recognized across the galaxy as the mark of one of its most formidable fighters. Kyran Thaln, in his quest for excellence, has meticulously forged his own helm from Beskar and Stygian-triprismatic polymer, pouring immense concentration and precision into every detail. This helm, a part of him that will always be in the public eye, represents not just protection but the pride and heritage of a Mandalorian.

To ensure that his helm offers the highest possible advantage in combat, Thaln has sought out and integrated advanced technologies from various manufacturers. As a self-serving bounty hunter and proud Mandalorian, he is determined not to be easily defeated, and he knows that his eventual demise should be nothing less than honorable.

Thaln has discreetly acquired the Harmonia System, a Neural Interface, and the Minerva HUD System through the holonet via an encrypted database, ensuring his anonymity. These systems provide him with an advanced heads-up display, combat tracking and analysis capabilities, internal communications, and robust safety protocols to prevent any compromise. The secrecy of his acquisition adds another layer of advantage, as it allows him to remain underestimated by his enemies—until it's too late.

Out Of Character Info

Intent: To provide further detail to the Beskar Helm, a part of the set of Mandalorian armour known as Kyran Thaln's Beskar'gam.
Image Source(s):
Canon Link: N/A.

Technical Information

Affiliation: Kyran Thaln
Model: N/A
Modular: Yes
Material: Armourweave, Beskar, Stygian-triprismatic polymer, Faraday Cage.
Classification: Multipurpose
Defense Rating: High
Energy Resist: High
Kinetic Resist: High
Sonic Resist: Average
Thermal Resist: Average
Radiation Resist: Average
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