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Approved Armor Kyran Thaln's Beskar Vambraces

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Manufacturer: Kyran Thaln
Market Status: Closed Market
Production: Unique
Weight: Average

  • Classification: Vambraces/Gauntlets.
  • Weight: Average.
  • Resistances: High.
    • Energy: High.
    • Kinetic: High.
    • Lightsabers: High.
  • Unbridled Strength: The integration of Crushgaunts within the Beskar vambraces grants Kyran Thaln formidable grip strength, allowing him to generate enough kinetic force to crush the skulls or armour plating of his opponents.
  • Versatile Ordinance: His arsenal is equally impressive, featuring a diverse array of firepower and offensive weaponry that is well-known among the Mando'ade. This versatile ordinance offers Thaln numerous tactical options in combat, ensuring he's prepared for any situation. Additionally, he carries an anti-security blade designed for the swift and efficient slicing of security technologies, giving him the upper hand in breaching and infiltration scenarios.
  • Minimal Force Resistance: The vambraces offer no defence against most Force abilities, but they do provide protection against Force Lightning and Electric Judgment. This is thanks to the integrated Faraday Cage, which shields Kyran Thaln from these specific energy-based attacks, absorbing and dispersing the electrical energy to keep him safe.
  • Only What You Take With You: The Micro Rocket Armor-Mounting, Flamestrike Flame Cannon, Whistling Birds, and Dart Thrower all have limited ammunition and must be manually restocked. In combat, this means that Kyran Thaln must use these weapons with precision and strategic timing, ensuring he doesn't find himself vulnerable while reloading.

Kyran Thaln's vambraces are vital to his Beskar'gam, functioning as protective gear and versatile weapons platforms. Forged from Beskar, a nearly indestructible metal, these vambraces are built to endure the harshest battles, capable of withstanding blaster fire, melee strikes, and even lightsaber attacks. They encase his forearms, providing a durable shield that easily deflects incoming threats.

But these vambraces are more than just armour; they're equipped with a range of built-in weapons and tools ready to be deployed instantly. Among these are a Whipcord Launcher, Flame Cannon, dart thrower, and control devices for Thaln's jetpack or other external equipment. There's also an anti-security blade, perfect for slicing through systems when stealth or sabotage is required.

The vambraces are designed with practicality and efficiency, enabling Thaln to take on multiple opponents or swiftly adapt to changing combat situations. Despite their advanced functionality, they remain sleek and seamlessly integrated into his Beskar'gam, upholding the formidable and fearsome appearance characteristic of Mandalorians.

Out Of Character Info

Intent: To provide further details about Kyran Thaln's Beskar Vambraces.
Image Source(s):
Canon Link: N/A

Technical Information

Affiliation: Kyran Thaln
Model: N/A
Modular: Yes
Material: Armourweave, Beskar, Stygian-triprismatic polymer, Faraday Cage.
Classification: Multipurpose
Defense Rating: High
Energy Resist: High
Kinetic Resist: High
Sonic Resist: Average
Thermal Resist: Average
Radiation Resist: Average
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