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Approved Armor Kyran Thaln's Beskar'gam

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Manufacturer: Kyran Thaln
Market Status: Closed Market
Production: Unique
Weight: Average

  • Intent: To provide further details on Kyran Thaln's Beskar'gam.
  • Image Source: Midjourney.
  • Canon Link: N/A.
  • Permissions: N/A.
  • Primary Source: Mandalorian Armour.
  • Classification: Mandalorian Armour (Beskar'gam).
  • Weight: Average.
  • Resistances: High.
    • Energy: High.
    • Kinetic: High.
    • Lightsabers: High.
  • One-Man-Army: Thaln's Beskar'gam is a masterpiece of combat engineering, crafted with ruthless precision for battlefield dominance. Every aspect of the armour is tailored for offence and survival, bristling with advanced weaponry and fortified against the most formidable threats. Even without a weapon, the armour is a force of destruction. The vambraces conceal deadly gadgets, ready to unleash violence at a moment's notice. At the same time, the Beskar helmet's integrated AI provides real-time battlefield analysis, making Thaln a living weapon honed for war.
  • Minimal Force Resistance: Thaln's Beskar'gam incorporates a built-in Faraday cage, providing a crucial defence against Force-based electrical attacks like Force Lightning and Electric Judgement. This protective layer shields him from the searing currents of energy, but the armour lacks any form of Force nullification. While it can guard against certain dangers, it cannot prevent force-wielding adversaries from exploiting their abilities, leaving Thaln vulnerable to more direct or subtle manipulations by the Force.
  • Points of Weakness: Like all armour, Thaln's Beskar'gam has vulnerable points where its defences are thinner and more susceptible to damage. These weak spots include the joints at the elbows, biceps, the back of the knees, and the throat—areas where the armour's protection is less reinforced, leaving them more exposed to potential strikes or attacks.

Kyran Thaln's Beskar'gam is a testament to his craftsmanship, a powerful fusion of armor pieces forged from Beskar by his own hands. Under the guidance of his late ward, Nyda Saxon, Thaln learned the sacred art of the Forge, and each piece of his armor bears the mark of their shared legacy. Over the course of his journeys, Thaln has scavenged, purchased, and repurposed materials from across the galaxy to construct a formidable arsenal that he can unleash at will.

At the heart of his armor is the Beskar Helm, its imposing design concealing his identity and offering unparalleled protection. His vambraces, lined with hidden tools and weapons, are built for tactical advantage, while the cuirass and pauldrons offer defense against even the most potent of strikes. Draped across his shoulders is a Synthweave Mantle—a cloak that adds both aesthetic and functional prowess to his appearance. Finally, his Beskar Greaves protect his lower body, ensuring he stands unyielding in battle. Kyran Thaln wears his Beskar'gam with pride, embodying the spirit of a Mandalorian warrior.

Out Of Character Info

Intent: To provide further details on Kyran Thaln's Beskar'gam.
Image Source(s):
Canon Link: N/A
Permissions: N/A

Technical Information

Affiliation: Kyran Thaln
Model: N/A
Modular: Yes
Material: Synthweave, Armourweave, Beskar, Stygian-triprismatic polymer, Faraday Cage.
Classification: Multipurpose
Defense Rating: High
Energy Resist: High
Kinetic Resist: High
Sonic Resist: Average
Thermal Resist: Average
Radiation Resist: Average
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