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Kyx Monastery

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Intent: To give Darth Kyx a base of operations

Image Credit:

Bomarr Monastery by JMAS on




Location: Kyx Temple, formally B'omarr Monastery

Classification: A Temple turned Base


Affiliation: Ruled by Darth Kyx

Accessablilty: Without a Spaceship, the only way to come up to the temple is scaling its steep mountianside. Meanwhile, it is also located on Teth, a very out of the way place in the Galaxy in the middle of no where

Security: Almost none, as no one ever goes to Teth and who would bother with a monastery which has been empty and abandoned for years?

Description: From a glance, the temple looks abandoned. It stands ontop of a large Mesa, surrounded by the jungles of Teth. There is a landing pad in the back which could land a ship or two. However, the structure looks oddly familiar to Jabba the Hutt's old palace which is because that the former owners, the B'omarr Order, built both Jabba's Palace and B'omarr Monastery

Points of Interest: However, on the inside, it looks different. After you unlock the many doors of the Temple which Kyx has locked, it turns out he has done much with the lower levels. The lower levels were once prisons, and while some cells are still there, some have been converted into Kyx's sleeping quarters and even a small libary as well as a labratory. The Throne Room has become a training room, however, it also does have a trap door that can leads to a Rancor Pit. While there are no Rancors there, only Kyx knows the way out, leaving anyone with the misfortune of falling there will die there


The B'omarr Monastery was built by the B'omarr Order, though it was eventually abandoned mysteriously. It was then, every once in a while, inhabited by Hutts and their cartels. However, after the CIS kidnapped Jabba the Hutt's son in 22 BBY, Anakin Skywalker and Ahsoka Tano launched a rescue mission to retrieve the Huttling, battling droids and facing Assaj Ventress, Count Dooku's Dark Side Acolyte. After the battle, the Monastery remained abandoned until Darth Kyx took it over, setting up his base of operations there


Lean, Mean, Slicin' Machine
Hello there! I will be your friendly neighborhood Codex Judge, today. Please give me some time to look this over and gather my thoughts. If you have questions or concerns in the meantime, please do not hesitate to give me a ping. :)


Lean, Mean, Slicin' Machine
I'd like to see a couple things, here.

One, the link at the top to be converted into an image. This can be done in the editor by clicking the 'Image' button and inserting your link. It's to the right of the hyperlink button.

Second, your history is a little light for my tastes. There is eight hundred years of seperation from the time of the Clone Wars to now. I'd like to see at least a few more sentences, as it just laying abandoned for eight centuries doesn't seem right.

[member="Darth Kyx"]
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