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Approved Tech L0-1C (Optics and Occipital Region Cybernetic)

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Manufacturer: De-Cyber-Data
Type: Cybernetic
Market Status: Open Market
Production: Mass-Produced
Weight: Average
Size: Average
Caporegime - Cyber-Intelligence Division


Occipital Region -
  • Allows a higher tolerance and better connections to other cybernetic parts.
  • Lets the user connect to consoles with a cable, this also allows the user to actively browse the holonet and other systems much in the same way an AI/VI would.
  • Can be used to turn memories into visual data
  • Two users can connect with each other
  • The Cyberware runs a striped down version of Deda-net as its core software (No slicing/hacking capabilities/Deda-net locked)
    • Language Package
  • Increases reaction time
  • Pain reduction
  • Can be plugged into vehicles allowing the driver or pilot to go hands free
Optics -
  • Zoom
  • Recording
  • HUD
  • Infrared
  • UV
  • Can serve as the base of other functions, such as facial recognition.
  • Massive variety of coloration and patterns to allow for almost any look someone would want.
  • Can be hidden with synthflesh and artificial hair patches that can be removed and placed with ease.
  • Near impossible to Slice both wireless and hard connection
  • Sturdy - The cyberware is fairly durable against most issues one may find in a dangerous galaxy. One of the major defences which is a weakness to most who owns chrome is EMP protection.
  • Man and their machines - Seamless connection between user and Vehicles. Once connected frames of vehicles would feel like a numb extension of one-self.
  • Pain - Sure it lets us know we are alive, but damn is it good to just turn it down some. (This does not account for head injuries, they will still hurt like hell)
  • Connection - Any connections can act as a two ways street. It is possible to be attacked when hard connected to a terminal. The severity of attack can determine on the action.
  • For life - Once all parts are removed this can lead the user to become braindead, if severely damaged or forcefully removed can lead to immediate death. To upgrade the tech one must visit a professional Cyberdoc.
  • Weaker - If outfitted onto a Force user it decreases force power by a small amount.
  • Something in my eyes - Optics are fairly fragile to forms of direct impact.
  • Piercing eyes - The glow of the iris ring makes it difficult to hide.
The L0-1C Interface Plug, originally designed by De-Cyber-Data, was created to establish a seamless integration with advanced technologies. The installation process of the L0-1C involves removing a section of the head and placing the device in the occipital region of the skull. This strategic location allows the cyberware to connect directly to the cerebellum and brainstem through a keyhole procedure, chosen for several compelling reasons.

By attaching to the cerebellum, the cyberware significantly enhances reaction times. It also serves another critical function: when interfacing with a device, the cyberware translates raw data into comprehensible information for the mind. This data is processed through the brain regions responsible for visual input, enabling users to "see" the data in a format their minds can understand.

The brainstem, where all the nervous system pathways converge, serves as the secondary connection point. This placement is particularly beneficial if additional cybernetics are implanted or attached to the body. Utilizing the nervous system reduces lag between cybernetic components, providing a more natural sensation of movement. Moreover, the cybernetic system can modulate pain by filtering which signals pass through the nervous system to the brain, effectively dulling discomfort.

Incorporating the optics for the cybernetics follows a meticulous process. Once the L0-1C Interface Plug is in place, a pair of connected cybernetic eyes and sensors are embedded into the optic nerves. These components capture visual data, which the L0-1C processes and integrates with the user's natural vision. The installation requires precision to ensure seamless coordination between the cybernetic inputs and the brain's visual processing centres. This integration allows for enhanced visual capabilities, such as augmented reality overlays and improved low-light vision, providing users with a comprehensive upgrade to their sensory perception.

Out Of Character Info

Intent: To make an optics and Occipital Region Cybernetic
Canon Link: N/A
Permissions: N/A

Technical Information

Affiliation: De-Cyber-Data
Model: L0-1C
Modular: Yes
Material: EM shielding, Aluminium, Circutry, Synthflesh/other materials to hide the cyberware (Optional)
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