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Approved Tech L121 Heavy Composite-Beam Laser Battery

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  • Intent: Make a short-range naval artillery for the LIKON catalog and for the Nomadic Peoples Coalition
  • Image Source: Cropped from an Adamkop Commission that I had done a while ago, handled entirely via email. A copy of the original image can be found here (X)
  • Canon Link: Composite-Beam laser
  • Permissions:
    • Permission to use LIKON as manufacturer.
    • Inversely, I also hereby grant Roth Likonis full executive permissions over this submission in any capacity possible, especially the right to sell this item to other customers for whatever price he deems appropriate.
  • Primary Source:
  • Classification: Capital Ship-grade Composite-Beam Laser Battery
  • Size: Large
  • Weight: Heavy
  • Ammunition Type: Power cell
  • Ammunition Capacity: High
  • Effective Range: Personal
  • Rate of Fire: Low
  • Damage Output: Extreme
  • Recoil: Average
  • LIKON durability: LIKON values toughness and durability, reflected in redundant systems, additional structural bracing, fusion welded plating, and magna bolted seals. LIKON products are typically known to be able to take hits and keep on functioning.
  • LIKON universality: LIKON specifically designs weapon systems with a minimum of moving parts, and with as many universal parts and access ports as possible to allow for a seamless and pain-free maintenance cycle. It is exceptionally easy to install, repair, maintain, and replace this weapon.
  • LIKON automation: this product can be operated manually, or be set to fire autonomously due to its integrated L-FC1v Fire Control Unit.
  • Composite Beam - the dish at the end of the gun barrel creates multiple beams that converge together into a single, constant, streaming beam of devastating laser energy.

  • (+) Precision targeting: the L121 is designed to specifically work in tandem with the LIKON L-01x precision targeting laser; when paired, the L121 is exceptionally accurate and deadly (but subject to the limitations of its targeting laser).
  • (-) Stand-alone weapon: the L121 was designed to work directly in concert with the LIKON L-01x precision targeting laser, and is subject to the laser's limitations. Typically this means the L121 could not fire above a Low rating; because this is already a limitation of the weapon, it is assumed that the L121 cannot be placed near ship mounted rapid-fire weaponry. As a direct result, the L121 is always mounted in relatively isolated gunnery positions, and suffers from a relative lack of defensive weaponry such as point-defense cannons. This makes the L121 a tempting target for bombing runs and precision strikes.
  • (+) Variable fire modes: the L121 has variable fire control, able to be fired in several different modes and settings. Modes include; alternating (firing one barrel after the next in succession); and salvo (firing both barrels simultaneously). Regardless of firing mode, the rate of fire remains Low.
  • (-) Slow-to-turn, slow-to-fire: as a heavy capital-grade weapon, the L121 is incredibly slow to turn, orient, and fire due to the sheer mass of the weapon and the energy requirements involved. The L121 excels at fighting larger targets, such as capital ships, but is not ideal for fighting small fast moving ships like fighters.
  • (+) Automated or Assisted: the L121 utilizes L.TCA2.1 Targeting Computers, which allow the organic user to select two firing modes; automatic, or assisted. In automatic, the integrated L-FC1v assumes direct control via the targeting computer of any installed weaponry (subject to L-FC1v limitations). In assisted mode, the L-FC1v instead compensates, shifts, and improves the organic user's aim in a manner similar to droid targeting systems, increasing the accuracy of an average gunner by a noticeably amount.
  • (-) Reactive, not intuitive: the L-FC1v automated function has a number of drawbacks, primary among them being a lack of intuition, creativity, foresight, and being relatively limited to a given set of commands. This creates issues if, say, a command bridge is destroyed, or if there is no one to give orders or issue commands; the L.FC1v will simply robotically execute its last order. Commands are as follows...
    • Attack target
    • Attack subsystem
    • Defend target
    • Defend subsystem
    • Standby
  • (+) “License to drill”: the L121 fires a steady beam of concentrated energy into a target, which is intended to literally “drill” into its mass, causing heavy internal damages as it digs in deeper.
  • (-) “Hold it steady, you fool!” - Whereas turbolasers rely on concentrated projectiles for inflicting damage over vast distances, this gun relies on a steady stream of energy to “drill” into its target. At longer ranges, this gun loses its effectiveness because the beam is more likely to dance all around the target’s surface area and only damage the outer layers to minimal effect, forcing this gun to be a short range form of ordnance. The constant stream of laser fire also causes problems with the targeting laser, which reduces the effective targeting range to “personal”.

The L121 is practically the opposite of the L91 long range turbolaser in naval artillery. Whereas the L91 was designed to be the apex predator of long range combat, the L121 is built to absolutely dominate in shorter ranges. Functionally speaking, the purpose of the L121 is to make enemies regret getting to too close to the ships that use them, thus, teaching them to keep their distance.

Whereas the L91 fires projectiles of concentrated, charged gases, the L121 fires a steady stream of laser beam energy. This beam is created by a dish that converges smaller beams into a single point and then streams out in a constant flow. When the beams impact a target, they are intended to “drill” into the mass, burning and melting a hole for as long as the laser is firing.

A major drawback of this form of ordnance is range. At short ranges, it is quite easy to concentrate fire onto a single point on a large target, but at longer ranges, small jolts in the firing platform’s frame can lead to massive overcorrections when shooting at much further targets. In a lab, it is easy for this laser to have pinpoint accuracy over any distance for the full duration of firing a single stream, but in battle on a moving combat platform, that is simply an unrealistic expectation. Therefore, this weapon is strictly reserved for short-range engagements where when one wants the enemy to regret getting too close to one’s own forces. Even though these lasers suffer at long ranges, they are absolutely brutal at short range.
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T E R R A R I S - C O M M A N D
Grand Shepherd Burtch Grand Shepherd Burtch

  • The permission is not good, it should include what you want. This permission does not include that you want to use their company as a manufacturer. I can't accept it. Because you can make a submission at any time, which other companies can add to their list, if you allow it and you give permission to that.
  • Another permission problem, you cannot use the Likon submissions without permission. So please ask for permission or delete them.

A bad image crop on my part, sorry. I switched it to a different image that encapsulates the whole conversation of when I got permission for both the ION canon and the composite laser.

Also, I tried something new for creating this image link. If it doesn’t work I’ll have to wait until tomorrow when I can get to my computer for a change lol.

Thank you.
T E R R A R I S - C O M M A N D
Grand Shepherd Burtch Grand Shepherd Burtch

Thank you! But still not good. That permission is good for an Ion weapon, but this is a simple laser battery. So I cannot accept it. So please ask for a new one, which is good for this, or ask for a general permission, where they allow you to use their Company/tech in any subs. Or delete the LIKON subs from your sub, and replace them with different technologies.
T E R R A R I S - C O M M A N D
Grand Shepherd Burtch Grand Shepherd Burtch

I accept this now, but next time please try to be more precise with the permissions, so that they are accurate.

Because me, for example, if you say the same, for example you're doing/writing something for HPI and I say ok, go on, that doesn't mean to me that you can use my closed-market subs, or that you're able to use my company in your sub as manufacturer, just that yes, you can write a sub, where you can write the HPI in the affiliation field. And possibly other judges will think the same.

I hope you understand what the problem is. Right now, just because of the beginning of the conversation, it looks like Mooney would probably approve of you doing what you did in the ION cannon's case, but in the future, please be more accurate.

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